Designing Content For The Big Tent General Session

Finding the right keynote presenter that has content specific for your conference audience is frequently as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Many times the content experts are not the greatest presenters. Yet the good presenters don’t have any content of value to the attendees.

So what do you do? How can you design conference content that is relevant to your audience from a recognized expert with poor delivery skills? And how can you deliver content from your tradeshow floor as well?

Here is the PPT presentation that Glenn Thayer and I gave to IAEE’s Expo! Expo! on Designing and Producing Content For The Big Tent General Session.

Why do so many conference general sessions leave attendees feeling bored and frustrated? What have you seen done in general sessions that resonated with you?

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MemberClicks, Zerista Pro. Zerista Pro said: Fwd: Designing Content For The Big Tent General Session: Finding the right keynote presenter… #eventprofs […]

  2. General sessions too often end up being sessions that are nothing but … general.

    They lack specificity, focus, deeper meaning and connection and offer up a sea of blandness that in an effort to embrace everything or everyone leave us all at arm’s length.

    Drives. Me. Crazy.

    1. Jeff Hurt says:

      I think general sessions that lack focus, meaning and connection drive a lot of us crazy! I like how you stated it “…offer up a sea of blandness that in an effort to embrace everything or everyone leave us all at arm’s length.” So true. We want general sessions that offer more spice, flavor and experience for sure.

      Thanks for reading and commenting too.

  3. […] have a budget to book a talent like Bruno Mars, we can all incorporate his strategies into our general session design to increase audience engagement and make an emotional […]

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