Tag: conference predictions

Use These Conference Cures For Outdated Mindset Thinking

We have a tendency to return to the way things have always been done. When we repeat the same process over and over again, the brain says, “Hey, we’ve done this many times. Let me automate it and you don’t have to think about it anymore.” That’s not always good when it comes to conference … [Read more…]

Use These Healthy Conference MindShifts To Thwart Poisonous Thinking

Sometimes, we just have to stop using old-school thinking. We have to move beyond this thought, “Well, it’s worked for us in the past so it must be the right thing to do now or in the future.” Some of our thinking is out of context with the today’s world. When it comes to conference … [Read more…]

Three More MindShift Antidotes To Poisonous Toxic Conference Mindsets

Antidote: a substance that can counteract a form of poisoning (and in the case of conferences, ingrained, fixed, established methods of thinking). An antidote neutralizes or prevents something harmful, damaging or dangerous. Some antidotes require antivenom used to treat a lethal situation. Many conference planning teams need antidotes to their panacea outdated thinking processes. They … [Read more…]

Creating Some Astonishingly Noble Meeting Mojo With Forward Leaning Conference MindShifts

As a conference organizer you have the amazing opportunity to create some noble and transformative meeting mojo! We just need the right thinking tools to do conferences better. We have to reframe our lens, filters and thinking so that we can propel our customers into the future advantageously. We have to move beyond gathering and … [Read more…]

How to Pick Forward Thinking Conference Topics

Forecasting! The mere word may cause fear, apprehension and the thought “I don’t know how to do that! Much less how to apply forecasting to picking future-focused conference and education topics for my customers.” Don’t worry you’re not alone. More Than Predictions Forecasting is more than predicting or foretelling the future. And if you’re under … [Read more…]

Forecasting The Future Of Conferences: Trends You Should Adopt Now

Your conference today is where it is based upon the decisions you as a conference organizer made in the past. The decisions you make today about your conference creates your conference’s future. You ability to anticipate your conference participants’ challenges and opportunities impact your ability to plan and strategize your conference. We’ve talked about conference … [Read more…]

15 Disruptive Conference Realities You Need To Adopt Now [PPT]

Healthy conferences change. They adapt to new contexts, society trends and business shifts. Those that don’t change become stale, stagnate and stuck in a rut. Here are 15 disruptive conference realities that you should adopt before they are forced upon you. 15 Seismic Conference & Attendance Predictions from Jeff Hurt Read More Read more about … [Read more…]

Seismic Conference And Attendance Shift Predictions Part 2

Change is no longer an event that happens once in a blue moon. It is the pace of today’s business. It is the drumbeat of the 21st Century. The change that we currently see around us might one day be viewed as similar to what happened after the invention of the printing press or the … [Read more…]

15 Predictions About Future Conferences And Shifting Attendance Part 1

Every conference experiences change. Well, at least is should experience some change. Especially if it’s a healthy and growing conference. Yet some conference organizers—those that keep their finger on the intersection of society, their profession and their customers’ industry—sense that they are in the midst of radical change. It’s the kind that only happens every … [Read more…]