Tag: connexity

Feeding Our Need For Community And Connection

We’re living in a time where we’ve never been more connected with others than we are now. Yet most of us feel pretty disconnected from our personal and professional networks. Why? Because we were not hardwired for digital connection. We are wired for face-to-face connections. Maslow Had It Wrong: Connection Is A Primary Need You’ve … [Read more…]

Delivering Community And Connections at Conferences

Does your conference have connexity? Not sure what that means? Or even if your conference has it? Well, the success of your face-to-face meetings depends on it! Connexity Happens When… Connexity happens when community and connecting collide! In a good way of course. Your attendees crave these two things: They want to connect with others … [Read more…]

From Strangers To Friends: Bridging Attendee Loneliness With Conference Community

Everybody needs to know Somebody who cares. Just a friendly face You can trust to be there. Are you afraid to be known And not be a stranger? Everyone’s connected but no one is connecting The human element has long been missing Tell me, have you seen it? Have you seen it? Alone by Armin … [Read more…]

Five Colossal Rotten Ways To Torpedo Your Conference Growth

Very few of us want to see our conferences grow and expand. Right? Similarly, very few of us are willing to make changes to the conference agenda, planning process and attendee experience all in the name of growth. Right again! We do everything we can to avoid change. So if change is associated with conference … [Read more…]

Why Your Conference Should Adopt The Healthy Family Metaphor

Did your parents expect you to eventually get a job and your own place to live? Mine did. Did they spend their entire lives loving you, teaching you and training you to eventually make your own decisions? Mine did. Sure, my parents didn’t want me to move across the globe and never see them again. … [Read more…]

The Neuroscience of Networking: Why Networking Matters To Your Conference

Your brain is passionate about one thing. So much so that when it is not thinking about a problem or focused on something specific, it defaults to doing this one thing. Neuroscientist Dr. Matthew Lieberman says that our brains have a passion of their own. “We know this because our brains seem to devote all … [Read more…]

Home For The Holidays? Stay On The Lookout For Conference Ideas

Some families have everyone in close proximity. They share day-to-day life experiences all the time. As one with family spread from coast to coast, I have to admit, sometimes I envy that proximal edge. But when families like mine board planes, trains and automobiles to spend the holidays together, it’s quite a celebration. Interesting, but … [Read more…]

Engaging Conference Attendees At Hello Results In Big Rewards

Are you looking for ways to improve your conference attendee loyalty? If yes, and I’m sure you are, here’s an effective strategy: Integrate a deliberate on-boarding effort for new attendees into your attendance-marketing plan. Master this and you’ll receive big rewards! First Time Attendee Trend Our industry is experiencing an interesting trend with the increase … [Read more…]

How The Most Brain Friendly Conference Makes Attendee Networking A Priority

Quick, name the top two reasons people pay to attend conferences? No, it’s not the attractiveness of the destination, although it does help. Nor is it the opening, marquee speaker. (Two-thirds of recent responders to the 2013 Speaker Report: The Use Of Professional And Industry Speakers In The Meetings Market say that a big name … [Read more…]

Maximizing Attendee Trust, Mining Weak Ties And Conference Marketing

Here are more tips on how weak ties make strong conferences from VCC’s VP of Connexity, Sarah Michel. Note: She recently wrote about how weak ties can make conferences stronger, connexity and speed networking tips as well as has her own series called Perfecting Connecting. Maximizing Trust Between Conference Attendees One way to maximize trust … [Read more…]