Tag: event

Think Left, Right, Low & High: Think Differently About Attracting Gen X & Y To Your Next Event

CEIR Report Power Of Exhibitions In 21st Century Review Part II Read part I. Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! Dr. Seuss Theodore Gisele, aka Dr. Seuss, had a great idea about thinking. Think differently. Now apply Dr. Seuss’ … [Read more…]

Don’t You Forget About Me: 5 Considerations To Attract Gen X & Y Attendees

CEIR Report Power Of Exhibitions In 21st Century Review Part I “A trade show is a trade show … I don’t expect anything to change.” Chad, 26. Imagine this comment came from one of your recent conference attendees. What would you do? How would you engage Chad in a future exhibition or event? Chad’s negative … [Read more…]

The Big Tweet Theory: The Evolution Of A Conference Tweep

Since 2007, people have gazed at Twitter and wondered how the Twittershpere developed into what it is today. It’s been the subject of much philosophical, religious and scientific discussion and debate. People who have tried to uncover the mysteries of the Twitterville development include such famous researchers as Danah Boyd, Chris Brogan, Beth Kanter, Charlene … [Read more…]

Roast Your Conventional Thinking: Reverse Your Perspective

In the late 1950s before Seattleites were known as flannel-wearing, granola-eating, sandal-sporting, long-haired, liberal, hippie, indie-rock iPods listeners and fair trade coffee organic food freaks, a mysterious phenomenon occurred. People began discovering small pockmarks on their windshields. A mass hysteria developed as more and more Seattleites found these tiny scars on their vehicles. A pockmark … [Read more…]

Exhibitors Dissatisfied With Current Convention Housing Practices: Serious Problem Or Major Opportunity

By Dave Lutz, Managing Director, Velvet Chainsaw Consulting Last week Expo Magazine Insights newsletter linked to a Trade Show Exhibitor Association (TSEA) exhibitor housing survey. The survey’s key findings are: 8% of exhibitors believe shows have fair convention housing practices. 69% of exhibitors book their hotel rooms through show convention housing bureaus. 89% of exhibitors … [Read more…]

16 Criteria For Choosing Your Conference Backchannel Tool

So you’ve decided you want to help facilitate the attendee communication at your next event. You’ve set a goal to increase your onsite attendee engagement with each other and the speakers during the event. And your goals include listening and responding in real time, when appropriate, as well. Yet, you’re not sure where to begin … [Read more…]

Social Media Celebs, Eventprofs & Great Content Mix It Up At EventCamp 2010

Take 1 part social media. Add 1 part event and meeting professionals. Add 1 part social media specialists. Slowly stir in content from social media celebs, event professionals and attendees. Blend OpenSpace, Unconference and traditional conference elements. Let saturate at the Roger Smith Hotel in New York City. What is this a recipe for? EventCamp 2010, … [Read more…]

The Conference Collision: Old School Organizers, Status Quo Speakers, Disruptive Technologies And Attendee 2.0

Disruptive technologies have impacted the way we communicate and work for years. The relationship among event organizers, presenters and audiences is undergoing a fundamental change. Attendee 2.0 has embraced social media platforms and frequently engages in the backchannel discussing the event before, during and after the meeting. Attendee 2.0 has no problem reviewing the conference … [Read more…]

Look Out! Run For Your Lives. They’re Coming To Your Next Event! Attendee 2.0

Conference organizers and speakers, they’re coming to your next event. Bigger than the Blob. Mightier than the Undead. Faster than the Twilight Vampires. Here they come as you shake in your boots. Meet your new audiences: Attendee 2.0.   They are coming to your next event and like the Blob, have the potential to overtake … [Read more…]

How To Be Lean, Mean & Green At Your Next Event: Three Green Philosophies To Consider

“In nature, there are neither rewards nor punishments – there are consequences,” R.G. Ingersoll (1833-1899). Environmental initiatives have been in vogue since the 25th Anniversary of Earth Day in 1995. Yet in the past five years, many environmental friendly programs have moved beyond fashion and fad to becoming socially acceptable and the norm. Even some … [Read more…]