Tag: future-focused conference programming

Even More Buckaroo Breakaway Cadillac Conference Programming Trends – Part 2

Expect the unexpected…just as Buckaroo Banzai did in the 1980s movie of the same name. Buckaroo and his merry band of cavaliers were ready to save the world from whatever came their way. They would embrace the context of each dimension much like you need to embrace these current conference programming trends. While these trends … [Read more…]

Buckaroo Breakaway Cadillac Conference Programming Trends Looming Your Way In 2017 – Part 1

It’s the adventures of your next conference experience across the eighth dimension. Oh, wait. That’s the intro to Buckaroo Banzai about the adventures of the science fiction rock musician and his band of cavaliers. Well, similar to Buckaroo’s adventures, you have the opportunity to take your band of conference participants into the 21st Century conference … [Read more…]

Getting Serious About Forecasting Future Conference Topics

Savvy 21st Century conference organizers can effectively demonstrate strategic learning alignment of their conference networking and education programming. (Can you?) Smart conference professionals are skilled at articulating the value of their event’s networking and learning opportunities. They can discuss how their programming helps their target market achieve their business goals. (Can you?) These effective meeting … [Read more…]