Social Media, Social Technology Tools And Social Learning For Your Conference


OK, I admit it. I’m an information junkie!

I’m addicted to learning new information.

Learning, My Drug Of Choice

Learning is my drug of choice. I get a high when my internal light bulb flashes. With each aha, my body is flooded with endorphins.

I consume hordes of information on a regular basis. I love reading non-fiction and self-help books. I read stuff from a variety of fields on purpose. That’s how I get new ideas and spark my creativity.

And with the arrival of the internet and social media, I now have a ton of free options to feed my craving for new information. Social media is my primary tool that I use for my personal learning network. It’s how I stay current and fresh.

The New Social Learning

Social media tools are powerful building blocks for enabling learning and development. When I use social media for learning, I leave a path for others to follow as those tools document my learning journey.

When organizations put social technologies to work for their organization they open the door to greater knowledge and a richer learning experience. They also nurture a corporate culture where “brain share” is a way of life.

Marcia Conner, author of The New Social Learning, shares more about social learning, social media and your conference experience.

Here’s a rundown of his video if you want to fast forward to a specific area.
00:16 – The New Social Learning
03:18 – Using Social Learning For Digital Events
05:12 – Face To Face & Digital Events & Social Media
07:30 –For More Information On Marcia Conner

Video adapted from PCMA’s Convening Leaders 2012 Learning Lounge Live Chat Room video clip.

How do you use social media tools for social learning? What organizations have you seen successfully use social media tools for their social learning?

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  1. Gerrit Heijkoop says:

    Hi Jeff,
    great video on a great topic! One example of social learning that I personally love is compiling a ‘twitter list’ of experts on a specific topic (eg. conference design). By keeping an eye on that list with a ‘learning perspective’, you quickly find out about what’s hot and happening on that topic.
    I can imagine conference organizers compile specific Twitter lists of experts and offer them to their attendees for some pre-conference learning. Or they could create a specific Storify-story with some key video’s, tweets and blogposts on a topic.
    Would even be more fun if the speaker/moderator/teacher of a certain session or topic would compile that for his/her own session.
    Warm regards from Amsterdam, Gerrit

    1. Jeff Hurt says:

      Thanks for adding a great tip on how conference organizers and speakers can foster social learning using Twitter lists. That’s a valuable and beneficial tip.

      Thanks for reading and commenting too!

  2. Gerrit Heijkoop says:

    PS: oh, and don’t forget the ‘Facebook Group’ in this context: it is awesome because it’s on Facebook, and so many people spend so many time there, while at the same time your activity does not have to be visible to your whole social graph. It can be a very specific pre- or post-conference group around a certain topic or session.
    In both cases, key success factor is moderation and information filtering I believe.

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