Are you responsible for designing the education program for a conference that attracts 500 or more attendees? Does your organization contract professional speakers? Do you manage a call for papers or abstracts?
If you answered YES to two or more of the questions above, we encourage you to take 10 minutes and contribute to the Speaker Report Survey.
The survey is live through the end of the day on Friday July 12. The responses will be compiled, analyzed and made available to the industry free.
Here’s what’s in it just for you if you participate in this survey.
Aggregate data will be shared with those who contribute to the survey weeks before the report is distributed.
You will be part of identifying the trends for education design at leading conferences.
Well maybe. Five $50 gift cards will be given away to randomly selected participants.
If you’ve already completed the survey, thank you!
We’ve collected a good number of very high quality responses. We’d like to see another 40 or 50 completions for the final product. Here’s how you can help in the final stretch:
1. Forward this request to two people who you think would benefit from an update of the Speaker Report from 2011.
2. Share a link to the survey or this blog post on a LinkedIn group, listserv or other social channel.
We appreciate your help in improving and caring about the educational benefits of face-to-face conferences!