2015 Customers, Social Media And The Hospitality Industry [Infographic] October 17, 2014 by Jeff Hurt Does customer service belong on social media or not? As the debate continues, take a look at how social media customer service may evolve over the next year within the hospitality industry. Image compliments of Best Hospitality Degrees Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , hospitality industry, social media and customer service
Four Blissfully Easy Ways To Use Social Media For Your Events [Infographic] April 4, 2014 by Jeff Hurt According to Joinin (formerly Eventility), events and social media are a match made in heaven. Take a look at their infographic to learn why. Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , conferences, events, facebook, social media for events, twitter, YouTube
Everything You Wanted To Know About Creative Commons And Photos Infographic February 17, 2014 by Jeff Hurt How To Attribute Creative Commons Photos by Foter What tools do you use to source creative common images? Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , creative commons, images, Infographic
The Extraordinary Social Media Event Marketing Guide Infographic January 17, 2014 by Jeff Hurt Having a social media plan for your next event is critical to your success. It shouldn’t be an afterthought or something only your attendees use. Here’s an infographic from Marketo that will help you create a Social Media Event Marketing Plan. It’s taken directly from Marketo’s free Definitive Guide to Event Marketing (in case you … [Read more…] Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , conference marketing, event marketing, social media for associations, social media for events
Visual Social Media Rules! Tips To Leverage Visual Social Media [Infographic] August 30, 2013 by Jeff Hurt We dream in images. We think in images. We speak in images. Images are the currency of our brains. Is it any wonder that we are drawn to visual social media? Take a look at this infographic from SociallySorted.com What tips would you add to this list about using visuals in social media? Why do … [Read more…] Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , facebook, Instagram, pinterest, twitter, YouTube
The Social Media Battle Of The Sexes [Infographic] July 26, 2013 by Jeff Hurt Source: InternetServiceProviders.org What are your immediate reactions to these facts about men and women’s use of social media? How does it align with your own professional and personal social media use? Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, pinterest, twitter, YouTube
How To Get More Likes On Facebook: Photos, Length And Content [Infographic] June 28, 2013 by Jeff Hurt How to Get More Likes on Facebook infographic by KISSmetrics. Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , facebook
Rise Of The Facebook 2013 Statistics Saga [Infographic] May 2, 2013 by Jeff Hurt The Facebook 2013 Saga infographic Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , facebook, social networking
Social Media Is All About Revolution [Infographic] March 27, 2013 by Jeff Hurt A quick snapshot of the social media revolution by Jessica Draws. The Social Media Revolution infographic by JessicaDraws. Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , facebook, Instagram, pinterest, social networking, twitter, YouTube
Behind One Of The Most Used Widgets Online: The Facebook Like Button [Infographic] February 12, 2013 by Jeff Hurt Behind the Facebook Like Button infographic Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , facebook, social networking