Creating Sticky Learning: Complimentary (Sales Free) VCC Webinar July 30

Elmer's Glue

As adults, we are rather lazy learners.

Much of what we hold as fact regarding learning is actually illusion. We waste a lot of effort, time and resources with common-sense accepted educational practices that are rooted in intuition, tradition and myth.

The most effective learning strategies and education programming are counter-intuitive. We need to build new bridges between our education offerings and the learning research in order to increase our participants’ ROI. We have to develop a deeper understanding of the why and how to create learning opportunities that stick.

Register now for this complimentary free webinar on July 30, 2 pm Eastern. (You need to create an account first to register for this free webinar. See below for more registration details.)

Creating Sticky Education: The Science Of Learning

After attending the July 30 webinar, participants will be able to

  1. Identify several evidence-proven learning strategies that all education programming should incorporate for greater attendee ROI.
  2. Define and explain why individual elaboration is critical to making new learning stronger and more memorable.
  3. Discuss why illusions of knowing mislead our personal learning and how to test new learning judgments for authenticity.

VCC Webinar Series

VCC has partnered with CommPartners, our platform of choice, to provide these complimentary no-sales zone webinars. We are using CommPartner’s social learning platform Elevate which leverages peer to peer learning. We are grateful for their partnership and guidance.

Our webinar goal is two-fold:

1. Provide high-quality, engaging learning experiences.
2. Model participatory digital learning experiences.

Our current webinar series includes:

To Register

To register for one or several of these webinars, you’ll need to create a quick account first with your first and last name, email and a password. Once you’ve created an account, login and register. You’ll receive a confirmation email and reminder notices once you’ve registered.

We hope to see you online during one of our digital learning experiences.

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