Jedi Master Yoda Shares 14 Inspirational Quotes For Meeting Professionals

"The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible."

You’ve probably seen Star Wars.

You may even have a boxed set of the videos.

Now for the first time, Jedi Master Yoda shares inspirational quotes for meeting professionals, conferences and meetings.

Read them, you must.

  1. As participants, successful meeting professionals must see registrants.
  2. Conference success depends on size not. Hmmmmm.
  3. Hard to see, even harder to design, the attendee experience is. But your success depends upon designing it effectively. Yesss.
  4. The fear of changing your conference experience is path to dark side. Go there you must not.
  5. Great conference organizer, hmm? Superior registration and well organized logistics not make conference great.
  6. Didactic monologues, lectures and talking head panels, a Jedi Master Meeting Professional craves not these things.
  7. A Jedi Master Meeting Professional’s strength flows from the conference’s goals.
  8. Good relations with conference stakeholders, you must have.
  9. Strong is replication of last year’s event. Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.
  10. Blind we are if creation of this clone conference we could not see. Herh, herh, herh.
  11. Brain-friendly effectiveness, healthy food and beverage options foster.
  12. Fear of changing your conference leads to dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Fear, anger and hate lead to conference deterioration, it does.
  13. See the meeting space as an instrument to collaboration and innovation, you must. Yes, hmmm.
  14. Much to learn you still have, my old padawan meeting professional. This is just the beginning!

What other Yoda inspirational sayings would you add to this list? Need help? Try the Yoda-Speak Generator.

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  1. Mike McAllen says:

    Jeff Hurt, one crazy dude, you are, Hmmmmmm.

  2. Jason Hensel says:

    My favorite post of yours this is.

  3. Renee says:

    This is hilarious – thanks for sharing!

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