Tag: meeting planning best practices

Conference Networking on Steroids

If you’re like most people, you probably do not know how to network effectively. Yes, that’s right; most of us do not network correctly. Put us into a large intimidating conference setting and our abilities are really tested. However, ask any attendee what they really want out of their time and attendance at your live … [Read more…]

How To Create A Bodacious, Mind-boggling, Unforgettable Conference Experience

Now, more than ever, conference organizers can’t continue to play it safe! Your annual conference is part of your organization’s brand experience. Most conference hosts and organizers understand the power of experience to inspire people and drive business growth. Yet few take the time to consider, plan and design an amazing conference experience. They just … [Read more…]

5 Conference Conditions That Lead To Attendee Focused Attention

Note: This post was originally published on July 11, 2011 and has been slightly edited. Attention is a payment of the brain’s resources. It requires that we adjust, engage and sustain each of our nine brain areas involved in attention. We must also exclude, suppress or ignore external and internal distracters–and often that’s the real … [Read more…]

Overcoming These Six Barriers To Audience Resistance To Participation

Even when you’ve adequately communicated the transition from passive attendee to active participant, some audience members will still resist. You’re challenging their comfort zone of passively sitting in a lecture. You are now asking them to engage on a different level which requires being fully present and doing something. And you’re challenging their past school … [Read more…]

Your Conference Speakers And Racism

The Zimmerman trial and CBS’ Big Brother racial scandal have put the discussions about race and discrimination front and center. Racism and discrimination are sensitive and delicate topics for sure. So how do you ensure that your conference speakers avoid racial and discriminatory language? How do you protect your organization from inappropriate behavior of a … [Read more…]

Be Wary Of The Collision Of Conference Traditions And Attendee Expectations

The future most conference leaders want is at odds with the present they choose. Conference organizers have not even begun to explore the outer limits of their meeting’s full potential. Currently the conference’s limitless potential is crashing headlong into its leader’s self imposed boundaries and limitations. They sell the conference short. Bumping Up Against The … [Read more…]

Conference Organizers Should Transition From Familiar Terrain

In order for conferences to compete in this new digital age, conference organizers must view conference education not as the place where content is delivered, but as a place where the content is discussed, analyzed and evaluated by the attendee. We have to move from our old school, out dated thinking that the conference education … [Read more…]

Conferences Need To Focus More On Learning Design And Less On Information Transfer

Recent research shows that conference organizers should focus their conference education efforts more on learning design and less on delivery of information. Too often, conference organizers and meeting professionals secure speakers to present specific topics and then think their job is done. Their focus is completely on the content and the delivery of the information. … [Read more…]

The Changing Role Of Conference Education

The abundance of information, resources and relationships that is easily accessible via the internet increasingly challenges the traditional conference education model. In a world where information is everywhere, do people really want to pay for registration, airfare, lodging and expenses to access more information at a conference, even if it’s information from their colleagues? Not … [Read more…]

Is Your Conference Churning Out Junk Information?

We live in world where overconsumption is the norm. We over consume things to keep up with the Jones and Smiths. We over consume food at all you can eat smorgasbord buffets and 24 hour drive thrus. We over consume information from a variety of sources. Today, we have factory farms that churn out junk … [Read more…]