Tag: forecasting

Getting Serious About Forecasting Future Conference Topics

Savvy 21st Century conference organizers can effectively demonstrate strategic learning alignment of their conference networking and education programming. (Can you?) Smart conference professionals are skilled at articulating the value of their event’s networking and learning opportunities. They can discuss how their programming helps their target market achieve their business goals. (Can you?) These effective meeting … [Read more…]

How to Pick Forward Thinking Conference Topics

Forecasting! The mere word may cause fear, apprehension and the thought “I don’t know how to do that! Much less how to apply forecasting to picking future-focused conference and education topics for my customers.” Don’t worry you’re not alone. More Than Predictions Forecasting is more than predicting or foretelling the future. And if you’re under … [Read more…]

Forecasting The Future Of Conferences: Trends You Should Adopt Now

Your conference today is where it is based upon the decisions you as a conference organizer made in the past. The decisions you make today about your conference creates your conference’s future. You ability to anticipate your conference participants’ challenges and opportunities impact your ability to plan and strategize your conference. We’ve talked about conference … [Read more…]