Tag: heart coherence

Activating Attendee Heart Coherence Thru Intentionally Crafted Conference Experiences

What type of emotions does your conference experience activate? “Huh?” you say. “My conference is supposed to connect on an emotional level with attendees?” Whether you like it or not, your conference does initiate some type of emotion. Unfortunately, many conference experiences are bland, sterile boring events. They lack passion, enthusiasm and emotional highs and … [Read more…]

Improving Conference Experiences With The Ground Breaking Discovery Of Brain-In-The-Heart

We’ve all heard people say: “Go with your gut.” “Just follow your heart.” “Trust your instinct.” These colloquial sayings feel more like fuzzy-thinking, sensitive touchy-freely speeches or lyrical metaphors. It’s not normally something that you expect experts to say at a conference. Nor is it something we strive to create in conference experiences. But should … [Read more…]