Innovative Techniques In Conference Formats

Today I’m facilitating my second Peer2Peer presentation,  for the PCMA Education Conference 2010 in Montreal, Canada on Innovative Techniques In Conference Formats. Here is the brief session description, the learning objectives and the slide deck I used.

In a world of multi-tasking and high-tech innovations, today’s attendee wants a meeting experience which will inspire and influence change.

After attending this presentation, the attendee will be able to:

  • Identify which learning techniques work and how to apply them in a variety of situations
  • Discover what others are doing to creating engaging learning experiences
  • Understand generation learning styles 

What innovative techniques in conference formats have you experienced? Do you think that different generations have specific learning styles? [Hint: that’s a trick question and the key words are “learning styles.”] What impacts learning of various generations?

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by nancyrubin, Zerista Pro. Zerista Pro said: Fwd: Innovative Techniques In Conference Formats: Today I’m facilitating my second Peer2Peer pr… #eventprofs […]

  2. Rosa Garriga says:

    This post is wonderful! I wish I had been to this presentation, because I’m really into finding out how learning in meetings works.
    I’ve read somewhere that the most powerful way to learn is to become the teacher. And I think that applies to all generations.
    However, I also think that each generation gets motivated differently, but I wonder if this is because they were born in different years, or because they are in different stages of life?
    Looking forward to read more about this topic!
    Best regards,

    1. Jeff Hurt says:

      Thanks for the feedback and comments. Good adult learning crosses all generations. The nuance is that presenters need to understand that generations have different communication and motivation preferences.

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