Creating Customized Conference Learning Experiences

Dave Lutz and I recently presented for ASAE’s Great Ideas Conference 2012 on Creating Customized Conference Learning Experiences. We shared our philosophy and process for planning the content for PCMA’s 2011 and 2012 Learning Lounge. The Learning Lounge was a joint project between PCMA, Freeman and Velvet Chainsaw.

Here are the slides from our presentation.

What type of personalized and customized learning experiences have you seen at conferences and events? Why do you think customized, short learning experiences are so popular?

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  1. Since the links to the “Create Customized Learning Experiences” video have been removed is there a possibility of seeing them elsewhere?

    1. Jeff Hurt says:

      I’ve fixed the problem with the Slideshare link. It should work now. As for the 22 videos of the speakers, we do not have them up online at this time. We will be releasing one video at a time in the coming weeks.

      Thanks for reading and calling out the challenges with the Slideshare post too.

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