Human Centered Design Will Impact Your Conference Experience [Infographic]

Streb Dancers: Human Fountain

Take a look at some of the research and predictions from Hyper Island on how Experience Design is more critical to businesses than price.

Applying this research to the business of conferences, paid attendee experience will soon become the unique selling point of conference over price and product. Are you even thinking about designing a conference experience for the target market? Or are you still using 20th Century industrial models for development of the conference which leads to a commoditized, stale attendee experience.


What are you doing to focus on creating conference experiences for paid registrants? What needs to change in the meeting planning process for human centered design to take the focus?

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  1. Jordan says:

    Great infographic! It’s so important to make conferences enjoyable to the people attending them. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Funny! Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore have been preaching this for over 10 years. Their book “The Experience Economy” should be required reading for everyone in the meetings and hospitality industry.

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