Conference Education

Top Ten Most Significant Challenges With Conference Education

Along with pending education trends that will influence conference education, there are significant challenges that will also have a tremendous impact. Conference organizers will face these challenges in the coming five years as traditional education methods continue to encounter disruptive innovation. Top Ten Challenges Here are the top ten most significant challenges in terms of … [Read more…]

Your Conference Education Needs A New Narrative

The future of conference education is not necessarily about the next shining technology advancement, even though technology does play a fundamental role. Nor is it about the next new trend in delivery of information or the next innovative session format. The true conference education revolution is about a much simpler idea—nothing more, or less, than … [Read more…]

17 Education And Learning Trends That Will Affect Your Organization This Year!

Today, if organizations don’t take the time, spend the money and learn how to build world-class learning programs both for their customers and their employees, they will not be able to compete or lead their stakeholders into the future. Learning investments are more important now than ever. Learning Trends That Will Be Adopted This Year … [Read more…]

Conferences Need To Focus More On Learning Design And Less On Information Transfer

Recent research shows that conference organizers should focus their conference education efforts more on learning design and less on delivery of information. Too often, conference organizers and meeting professionals secure speakers to present specific topics and then think their job is done. Their focus is completely on the content and the delivery of the information. … [Read more…]

How Do Your Learning Opportunities Compare To These Top Ten Traits Of Quality Education Programs?

In order to be successful in the 21st Century, organizations must make continuous learning and unlearning a core competency. If your organization’s team cannot learn quickly, unlearn outdated processes and data, and adapt and apply new knowledge and insights to current challenges, then it will be left behind. Organizations need team members committed to learning … [Read more…]

The Changing Role Of Conference Education

The abundance of information, resources and relationships that is easily accessible via the internet increasingly challenges the traditional conference education model. In a world where information is everywhere, do people really want to pay for registration, airfare, lodging and expenses to access more information at a conference, even if it’s information from their colleagues? Not … [Read more…]

Conference Bulk Learning Is An Oxymoron

It sounds so cliché: Conference bulk learning is an oxymoron. Yet, too many of us have bought into the idea that the more information we have, the more information that we consume, the more information that we try to stuff in our heads, the better we are. Ultimately, information has become a problem, not a … [Read more…]

Networking For Learning And What’s Next

Every first quarter I receive a string of emails from my undergraduate school inviting me to annual Homecoming and reunion. A couple months later, I start receiving emails from my high school inviting me back for my annual reunion. I decided a long time ago that I really didn’t want to relive my high school … [Read more…]

Your Conference Speakers’ Skills Gap Is Causing You To Lose Money

The majority of your conference speakers have a major skills gap! They are relying on pedagogical mimicry–presenting the same way that their teachers taught them. That causes you and your conference to rely solely on a foundation of mimicry for education success. And this foundation is the exact the opposite of what your speakers should … [Read more…]