Conference Education

Creating Case Studies That Rock Your Learners’ World

Two words that cause my heart to sink: Case Studies. Most of the case studies I’ve seen are serious and dull as dirt. They read like a dry, long instructional booklet: illogical, nonsensical and technical. They are void of human life. Many are full of self promotion marketing spin with no educational benefit to the … [Read more…]

Hiring A Professional Speaker Jargon Buster Part 2: Words N-Z

For the inexperienced, hiring a professional speaker or entertainer can be intimidating. This is part two of Jargon Busting For Hiring Professional Speakers. Read Part 1 Words A-M. You might also like Cheat Sheet For Hiring And Paying Professional Speakers. Hiring A Professional Speaker Jargon Primer: Words N-Z Nonprofit Discount If you are a nonprofit … [Read more…]

Hiring A Professional Speaker Jargon Buster Part 1: Words A-M

Professional speakers. Those two words strike fear in some hearts and send some people screaming. Others read it and question what classifies a professional speaker. Securing and hiring professional speakers can be a daunting task for some. Working with a speakers bureau or agent can feel like navigating a minefield, especially if you are new … [Read more…]

Cheat Sheet For Hiring And Paying Professional Speakers

Sometimes hiring and securing a professional speaker can feel like navigating a maze. New jargon, terms, conditions and clauses can be confusing, especially if you only secure speakers once or twice a year. Dealing with a speakers bureau or agent can feel daunting. Few meeting professionals know that it is perfectly acceptable to negotiate. Here … [Read more…]

What Presentations And Pancakes Have In Common

I woke up with an intense craving for golden, fluffy, hot, spongy pancakes with a crispy edge. I rarely eat pancakes. But this morning the desire was strong. My mind was deluged with the smell of fresh pancakes on the griddle, the sound of the batter hitting the pan and the sight of a pancake … [Read more…]

The Yin And Yang Of Push And Pull For Your Conferences And Education

What happens when someone pushes you? How does your body and mind respond? You body gets tense. You try to resist. You become defensive. And sometimes, you react by pushing back. Resistance is common when being pushed. I submit it is actually a form of engagement. If someone only experiences being pushed, they soon feel … [Read more…]

Applying The Fisch Flip To Your Conference Model

Have you heard about the Fisch Flip or Flip-Thinking? Dan Pink wrote about Flip Thinking and how some people are reversing the usual sequence of things. Pink talks about Karl Fisch, a 20-year educator who has decided to flip the standard high-school math class. Fisch puts all of his lectures on YouTube and assigns them … [Read more…]

Five Deadly Presentation Killers

Quick, name the last presentation that you attended. Now, name two things you learned from that presentation. Can you do it? If you can’t recall at least one or two things from that presentation, was it worth your time and investment? Now try this. Name the last speaker or presentation that you heard that totally … [Read more…]

Modernizing Conference Education

With all the advancements in society and research on how the brain works, why is it that most conference education still provides talking heads and passive listeners? Is that best for your attendees? Here is the PowerPoint from a short 12-minute TED-style presentation that I gave at Experient’s 2010 e4 conference in Orlando, FL. Enjoy. Modernizing … [Read more…]

The Modern Meetings Mixologist: What Our Conferences Need Most

Have you used a mixologist recently? Most people think the term mixologist is a fancy term for a bartender. That’s partially true. Many of today’s mixologist start out as bartenders and transition into the art and craft of creating new drink recipes. A mixologist is a bartender that specializes in the creation of cocktail recipes. … [Read more…]