Tag: designing learning experiences

What Type Of Learning Experiences—Shallow, Advancement Or Deep–Are You Serving Customers?

The world has drastically changed in the past several decades. But most conference experiences have changed very little, if at all. They compete with the Internet to distribute content and deliver information. So what type of conference education are you serving your customers—shallow learning, advancement learning or deep learning? Do you even know the difference … [Read more…]

Successful Conference Professionals Understand, Design And Offer Deep Learning Experiences To Attendees

Most conferences offer some type of learning opportunities for their participants. From informal peer networking to roundtable discussions to formal expert lectures and panel discussions. The education opportunities abound. Traditionally, the goal of conference education is to deliver as much information as possible as fast as possible to as many people as possible. Today, many … [Read more…]

Designing 21st Century Conference Learning Experiences And Spaces

Our conference learning spaces affect our audience. We must learn to think like designers. Then we can focus on changing our conference participants’ learning spaces with the right goal in mind—nurturing their learning. Be forewarned! We are not decorating learning spaces. We are designing them to foster, nurture and amplify our participants’ learning. (Hat tips … [Read more…]