Tag: meeting planning best practices

Getting Started With Brain Friendly Presentations

Ideas that the brain thinks about and accepts usually lead to some type of action. That seed of a concept, thought or insight can transform you life. Ultimately, learning involves change. When you learn something new, your brain changes and then our attitude or behaviors also change. When you refuse to adapt to change, you … [Read more…]

It Is Time To Reinvent The Meetings Industry And The Meeting Professional

I think the meetings and conference industry has reached a plateau. For years the industry has focused on the logistical side of the meeting including registration, food and beverage, contracts, venue space, room sets, schedules, SMMP and more. The industry has matured and many meeting professionals have become very good at the details. Yet, the … [Read more…]

Four Essential Elements To An Incomparable Face To Face Conference And Tradeshow Experience

What type of experiences do you crave? Have you ever had any of those types of experiences at a conference or tradeshow? Conferences and tradeshows have a long way to go to merge the experiences we crave and want with those that actually occur at the event. Four Critical Elements To Success The recent report, … [Read more…]

Are You Using Your Headlights Effectively To Guide Your Future Meetings?

When you drive on a road at night, you depend upon your headlights to help you see. Without those headlights, you would depend upon the light of the moon or street lights to guide you. Frequently, neither of those is available and without headlights you would crash. With low beams, you can see a little … [Read more…]

You Have The Power To Super Charge Your Attendees’ Brains

What if you as a conference organzier had the magical ability to literally change your attendees’ brains for the better? Guess what! You do have that power. Wow, that’s an awesome responsibility and one that should not be taken lightly. Our Brain’s Plasticity For more than 400 years, mainstream medicine and science believed that our … [Read more…]

Status-Quo Is A No Go! Become A Conference Outlaw

All progress takes place in the outlaw area. ~ paraphrase Buckminster Fuller. You can’t improve and reform your conferences where you currently are. You have to take some risks. You have to move away from doing things the way you’ve always done them. You can’t make improvements to your attendees’ conference experience by playing it … [Read more…]

Jedi Master Yoda Shares 14 Inspirational Quotes For Meeting Professionals

You’ve probably seen Star Wars. You may even have a boxed set of the videos. Now for the first time, Jedi Master Yoda shares inspirational quotes for meeting professionals, conferences and meetings. Read them, you must. As participants, successful meeting professionals must see registrants. Conference success depends on size not. Hmmmmm. Hard to see, even … [Read more…]

From Details To Strategy: How Meeting Planners Can Change Their Filters To View New Success

Many meeting planners feel that the conference experience and content is not their job. They are responsible for the logistics and details, not the attendees’ overall experience. That’s where those meeting planners are wrong! If Meeting Planners Cannot… If a meeting planner cannot focus on the big picture and goals of the event, then all … [Read more…]

Are You Designing For The Four Stages Of Conference Experience?

As a conference organizer, are you designing for the four stages of a conference experience? Or are you only designing for attendees to consume information? If you are planning only didactic, one-way, information transfer such as lectures and panels, you are missing some great opportunities to give your attendees a more robust experience. Four Stages … [Read more…]

Five Energy Hungry Brain Functions We Use At Conferences

Have you ever started your day by trying to read emails while listening to your voice mails? If you’re like me you have. And it just doesn’t work. At the slightest whim, you get distracted and before you know it, you’ve deleted an important voice mail. Or you’ve overlooked an urgent email. While the brain … [Read more…]