Digital & Virtual Event Technologies Defined

No doubt you’ve started investigating the dizzying array of digital solutions for your event: content-capture, hybrid, live stream, on-demand, Skype, videoconferencing, virtual, webinar, 2D, 3D.

It can be perplexing. Especially when you are used to planning face-to-face events.

Often people confuse terms and technologies. We have yet to adopt a standardized vocabulary for this emerging technology.

So, how do you know which type of digital solution is right for your needs? The type of digital event solution you should use depends upon your goals.

Read the rest of this post on SocialFishing blog. I’m guest blogging a series on digital events (virtual, hybrid) on the SocialFish blog. Look for it on or around the tenth of each month.

If digital events interest you, then you might like one of these posts:

What concerns you the most about digital events? What barriers exist to keep your organization for considering a hybrid event?

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cameron Toth, Peggy Lamberton, CMP. Peggy Lamberton, CMP said: RT @jeffhurt Digital & Virtual Event Technologies Defined […]

  2. Jeff,

    Great post as always! I have found the biggest barriers to Hybrid Event adoption in most orgs is fear and lack of understanding, it is that simple.

    When you finally sit down and explain the benefits, the ease of implementation (technology has come a long way) and the fact that it does not cost buckets full of money, most are enthusiastic to try (or at least consider) holding some type of hybrid event.

    They may not have a hybrid event this time around, but it is now burning the back of their brain and that is an itch that will need to be scratched at some point!

    1. Jeff Hurt says:

      Yes, fear and ignorance are two things that keep people from considering hybrid and virtual events. Explaining the benefits and aligning the experience with event goals can help others see new ideas and gain knowledge instead of operating out of fear.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

  3. Jenn Gibson says:


    I have been working in virtual events (with emphasis on webcasting) for over five years and I would agree that lack of knowledge is the biggest barrier. However, it’s more than teaching them the terminology/technology it’s teaching them why it matters to their business. Business has been done over the phone, face to face and through email for a long time now and this new hybrid or all virtual world is daunting, confusing and scary for many. That being said, those that don’t want to see the value in virtual are going to soon be left behind. I actually posted an article yesterday on our blog about how to bring virtual to the low/no tech crowd ( The key to success, in my opinion, is that the group that has “seen the light” has to educate everyone else BEFORE you try to sell to them; earn their trust and make it relevant to them.

  4. […] without further ado, get out of here and go read Jeff’s post on Digital and Virtual Event Technology and make sure to pay attention to the links that he provides because each is important in its own […]

  5. […] us, the attendees on site and at home.Want to learn more?EventCamp organizer Jeff Hurt’s blog, Midcourse Corrections, provides a lot of resources on live, hybrid and virtual conferences.Mike McCurry, another […]

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