18 Questions To Ask Your Members About Mobile

Image by Jelene Morris http://www.flickr.com/photos/jelene/3947948297/in/photostream/

At the ASAE 2010 education session “Engage Your Members Using Mobile Devices” by Jeff De Cagna, chief strategist and founder, Principled Innovation, LLC, Joe Rominiecki, managing editor, newsletters, ASAE & The Center, Renato Sogueco, CIO, Society of American Florists presented on the state of mobile devices and associations.

Questions to ask your members as you consider moving to mobile

Jeff also shared 12 questions he used with his work with Renato for SAF’s move to mobile. (Note, some of these questions had two parts and I’ve separated them into individual questions.) SAF used these questions for a membership survey on the importance of mobile.

1. Which mobile devices do you currently use most and how often?
(Include smartphones and non-smartphones like iTouch, iPad, Kindle as possible responses)

2. Is your mobile use primarily personal or professional?

3. When using your mobile device for personal reasons, which uses do you find most important and satisfying?
(Possible responses include content creation such as audio, pictures, and video, e-mail, gaming, listening to audio content, location aware tools, phone calls, reading content, RSS, search, social networking, texting, using personal apps, and viewing video content.)

4. When using your mobile device for professional reasons, which uses do you find most important and satisfying?
(Possible responses include: content creation such as audio, pictures, and video, e-mail, listening to audio content, phone calls, reading content, RSS, search, social networking, texting, using professional/productivity apps, and viewing video content.)

5. How many hours per week do you spend on the mobile web?

6. What are your top three reasons for using mobile web?

7. How much of mobile web time are you connected via Wi-Fi in your home, office, or other location?

8. How much of that time are you connected via mobile wireless?

9.  How many hours per week do you spend watching video on your mobile devices?

10.  Which sites/apps/tools do you use on your mobile devices?

11. How many hours per week do you play games on your mobile devices?

12. What are your three most favorite games?

13. What are your three most favorite personal apps on your mobile devices?

14. What are your three most favorite professional apps on your mobile devices?

15. If you create content using your mobile devices, which apps/tools/phone technologies do you use?
(Possible responses include audio recording, blogging, creating audio/video podcasts, posting messages/status update to Facebook/Twitter or other social network, taking/posting pictures to Facebook/Flickr/Twitter, and video recording)

16. What plans do you have, if any, to upgrade your current mobile device(s) in the next 12 months?

17. If you are a non-smartphone mobile user, do you intend to purchase or upgrade to a smartphone in the next 12 months?

18. Do you have any plans to purchase an Apple iPad or other tablet device in the next 12 months?

What questions would you add to this list? How do you use your mobile device (smartphone, iPad, Kindle or other tablet) to access information from the organizations that your support?

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  1. Michele Hill says:

    I was thinking how your blog post might have been accomplished as a poll, survey monkey, right here with viewable results…

    Thanks for sharing the ASAE module.

    1. Jeff Hurt says:

      Actually, the questions I shared are from an online survey tool. Great minds think alike! Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. Questions To Ask Your Members As You Transition To Mobile…

    From the ASAE 2010 education session “Engage Your Members Using Mobile Devices” on the state of mobile devices and associations, Jeff Hurt shares Jeff De Cagna’s list of questions to ask your members as your association considers moving to mobile….

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Danny Brown, Jeff Hurt, Jeff Hurt, Alli Gerkman, Elizabeth Baranik and others. Elizabeth Baranik said: RT @kkish: 18 Questions to Ask Your Members About Mobile http://bit.ly/byFvoL #nptech #asae10 […]

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