Engineering Education Strategies For Next Generation Conferences And Events – Wrap Up June 16, 2010 by Jeff Hurt On June 14, 2010, at PCMA’s Education Conference at the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth, I facilitated a discussion about the changes of learning in the digital age and their impact on conference education. We discussed these six principles of designing next generation sessions for today’s conferences. Conference education 1. Should transition from passive listening to … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , active learning, adult learning, association, conferences, Education & Adult Learning, engagement, meeting planner
Innovative Techniques In Conference Formats June 15, 2010 by Jeff Hurt Today I’m facilitating my second Peer2Peer presentation, for the PCMA Education Conference 2010 in Montreal, Canada on Innovative Techniques In Conference Formats. Here is the brief session description, the learning objectives and the slide deck I used. In a world of multi-tasking and high-tech innovations, today’s attendee wants a meeting experience which will inspire and … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , brain-friendly conferences, brain-friendly meetings, conferences, Education & Adult Learning
Learnscaping Your Conference Education Strategies June 10, 2010 by Jeff Hurt Do you landscape your yard? If you live in a condo or apartment, you may not have a yard. Although someone is usually paid to maintain the facility’s grounds and landscaping. Landscaping involves transforming the natural environment of a specific part of land. Almost any type of land can be landscaped. It includes working with … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , conferences, Education & Adult Learning, learnscape, learnscaping your conference
Does Your Annual Conference Provide Education Or Information? June 9, 2010 by Jeff Hurt How do you define education? Seriously, how do you define education? How would you define information? Is there a difference in education and information or are those words synonymous? Think about the annual conferences that you attend. Do they provide education, information, both, or neither? Education Or Information? In the early 1990’s I was working … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , active learning, association, conferences, Education & Adult Learning
Engineering Education Strategies for Next Generation Conferences and Events June 8, 2010 by Jeff Hurt This is not your Grandma’s conference learning strategy. Traditional conference strategies of attendees sitting passively, listening to a talking head is out. Seeing your conference attendees as participants, co-creators, experts and advocates is in. In the digital age, people are learning in new ways that are both communal and autonomous. They contribute to Wikipedia, comment … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , adult learning principles, adult learning strategies, conference education, conferences, delivery, Education & Adult Learning
Eight Tips To Encourage Participation, Intimacy, Community In Your Conferences And Events May 20, 2010 by Jeff Hurt When was the last time you visited a museum? Nina Simon‘s Complicity, Intimacy, Community post about fostering personal relationships with visitors in small and large spaces brought back a flood of memories of some of my museum experiences. You should read it and then come back here. Go ahead, I’ll be here when you finish. … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , active participation, association, community, engagement, participatory learning, Web 2.0
Are We Ready For Annual Conferences In Perpetual Beta To Improve Attendee Experiences? May 19, 2010 by Jeff Hurt Change is the constant today. What would happen if conference organizers released information about their annual event and called it a perpetual beta version? What if a specific number of presentations were not identified and instead were labeled beta and the organizers asked attendees to help them co-create the sessions? What if some of the … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , association, conferences, Education & Adult Learning, engagement, learning, participatory learning, Web 2.0
Improving The Annual Meeting Experience By Strolling Down [Semantic] Memory Lane May 18, 2010 by Jeff Hurt You’ve got 15 minutes to dash into your favorite hardware store and purchase some finishing nails for a project. You know exactly where they are as you’ve walked passed them many times. As you enter the store a sense of dread overwhelms you. The management has rearranged the products and aisles. You look up and … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , active learning, adult learning, association, automatic memory, brain-friendly conferences, brain-friendly meetings, conferences, Education & Adult Learning, emotional memory, episodic memory, five memory lanes. automatic memory, learning, procedural memory, semantic memory
Making Meaningful Meeting Memories: Using The Five Memory Lanes May 12, 2010 by Jeff Hurt Have you ever lost your keys? Your wallet? Your cell phone? Your favorite pen? I have. Well, I didn’t really lose them. I just forgot where I put them. I have a ritual of walking into my house and always placing my keys, wallet, favorite pen and cell phone in the same spot. That way … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , active learning, adult learning, association, automatic memory, brain-friendly conferences, brain-friendly meetings, conferences, Education & Adult Learning, emotional memory, episodic memory, five memory lanes. automatic memory, learning, procedural memory, semantic memory
Designing Next Generation Conference Education Sessions May 11, 2010 by Jeff Hurt On May 11, 2010, I presented a Webinar for KRM Information on Designing Next Generation Conference Education Sessions: Creating an Environment for Informal and Formal Learning in a Digital Age. Update May 13, 2010: Listen to the free recording of the sixty-minute presentation. As promised, here are the slides from the presentation. Enjoy. Designing Next Generation … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , active learning, adult learning, association, brain-friendly conferences, brain-friendly meetings, conferences, delivery, Education & Adult Learning, engagement, meeting planner, professional development, Social Media, Web 2.0