Tag: conferences

Your Conference Attendees Avoid And Crave Change Simultaneously

It’s quite ironic actually. Our brains do everything they can to avoid change. Yet at the same time, our brains increase their engagement and focus when change is involved. Our brains crave change to keep us connected to the situation at hand. Wired To Be Risk-Averse Our brains are naturally wired to avoid any type … [Read more…]

Smarter Attendees Make a Smarter Conference

We have known for a while that networking is one of the top reasons people attend conferences. But who knew it actually makes them smarter? According to a new study published by Scientific American on 5 ways to Maximize Your Cognitive Potential networking was cited as one of the best ways to expose yourself to … [Read more…]

21st Century Revolutionary Conferences Have Transformed The Traditional Education Session

Conferences that focus primarily on lecture-based methods are becoming increasingly difficult to defend! There is ample evidence that the lecture creates phony learning, along with the inability to retain and apply what has been heard. Packed conference sessions and smile-sheet summary evaluations only indicate that attendees can successfully sit through dreary lectures. It does not … [Read more…]

The Function Of Content Changes In Revolutionary Conferences

Conference organizers strong commitment to content actually blocks the path to more attendee-focused and learner-centric conference experiences. This focus on content as the core of the conference creates a barrier that obstructs presenters. Most speakers freely acknowledge that the need to cover content strongly influences, and often dictates, their presentation decisions. Our allegiance to content … [Read more…]

Disruptive Revolutionary Conferences Are Coming: The Need To Refocus On Our Customer

“If anyone is going to disrupt this industry, it is going to be us!” I love this quote from Smart Customers, Stupid Companies. I think more conference organizers should adopt it! Here’s my question for meeting professionals and conference organizers: Are you going to have “Smart Attendees, Stupid Conferences or Smart Attendees, Smart Conferences?” To … [Read more…]

It Is Time To Revolutionize Conferences

The traditional conference is in dire need of creativity, innovation and reinvention! It has been stuck in an ancient, out-dated rut for too long. Those planning and organizing conferences need to see themselves as creators and artists. As Seth Godin says in Linchpin, “An artist is someone who uses bravery, insight, creativity and boldness to … [Read more…]

Maximizing Attendee Trust, Mining Weak Ties And Conference Marketing

Here are more tips on how weak ties make strong conferences from VCC’s VP of Connexity, Sarah Michel. Note: She recently wrote about how weak ties can make conferences stronger, connexity and speed networking tips as well as has her own series called Perfecting Connecting. Maximizing Trust Between Conference Attendees One way to maximize trust … [Read more…]

Fostering Weak Ties And Speed Networking Tips For Your Conference

VCC’s VP of Professional Connexity, Sarah Michel, is the go-to-networker-guru. She lives and breaths networking and connexity. She recently wrote about how weak ties can make conferences stronger and connexity, and has a series called Perfecting Connecting. After reading her recent post, I had several questions about weak ties, speed networking and conferences. I wanted … [Read more…]

Weak Ties Make Stronger Conferences

Think about who connected you to your current job? I’m willing to bet it was a weak connection; someone you just met, didn’t know very well or hadn’t talked to in years. The facts are that when it comes to looking for information, opportunities and connections, weaker connections are more helpful than our strongest ones. … [Read more…]

Eight Unique Types Of Conference Relationships You Can Grow

Relationships can be messy business! We all have some type of unique relationship with everyone that we know. We have long histories with some people that include thousands of distinct touchpoints and interactions that shape how we feel about one another. We are very close to some people and not so close to others. We … [Read more…]