Tag: micro-learning

Part 2: Ten Industrial-Strength Awesome Trends Poised To Disrupt Your Conference Education

More powerful than your current offerings. More effective than your current industrial-strength-stupid monologues and ineffective-panel-methods. These trends are poised to give you the upper hand and differentiate you from your competitors or send your conference committee suggestions into a downward spiral that will take years to recover from. Take heed. These trends will be knocking … [Read more…]

Ten Industrial-Strength Awesome Trends Poised To Disrupt Your Conference Education Part 1

They are unusually strong and potent. They are more durable than your current conference education strategies. And they are highly-concentrated ready to improve your attendees’ learning ROI. That is assuming that you are open to understanding, adopting and applying them. The choice is yours. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is convincing your … [Read more…]