Tag: learning

Helping Conference Participants Move From Superficial Knowing To Understanding

Have you ever walked out of a conference education session and said, “Now I understand,” and then can’t remember the main point? Sure you have. You’ve been a victim of superficial knowledge. You have a false sense of security that you “got it.” Then when you try to talk about it, you can’t remember the … [Read more…]

Creating An Unforgettable Event: Unlocking Memory By Unleashing The Power Of Thinking

You are what you eat. What you see is what you get. These idioms are familiar to most of us. Here’s a simple truth: What you think about is what you remember! The implication for your conferences, events and meetings are substantial. Our Memory Is Like A Video Recorder? Not! Many meeting professionals and conference … [Read more…]

Conference Education: Moving From Learning Style Myths To Evidenced-Based

Meeting professionals are long overdue to retire learning style myths in favor of evidenced-based education. (So are ASAE and the Convention Industry Council-CIC-which promotes unscientific learning styles in the CMP Handbook!) It’s time for conference organizers to bridge the gap between learning research and practice. It’s time to bring the research into the conference planning for … [Read more…]

Life Long Learning: In Pursuit Of Our Dreams

What d’ya know? Not enough. We can never know enough in the modern workplace. At least, that’s how I feel. Lifetime Learning A Path To Success Good education serves as the foundation for productive work. Lifetime learning offers a well-marked path to success. It’s up to us to follow it. On average, Americans spend just … [Read more…]

How To Use Pecha Kucha And Ignite Models Effectively In Your Event

Finding new ways to engage conference participants is a challenge for many conference organizers. Entertainment, the Internet and media have transformed society into the participatory culture. Today’s conference audiences are accustomed to quick action, rapid scene changes, racing soundtracks and the ability to change their direction with a click. They expect visceral stimulation and are … [Read more…]

Sizzle And Substance: Creating Brain Friendly Presentations

Here is the PPT from my recent presentation for the Higher Education User Group (HEUG). The presentation focused on creating brain friendly presentations and increasing learning as well as retention. Sizzle & Substance: Creating Brain Friendly Presentations

Creating Case Studies That Rock Your Learners’ World

Two words that cause my heart to sink: Case Studies. Most of the case studies I’ve seen are serious and dull as dirt. They read like a dry, long instructional booklet: illogical, nonsensical and technical. They are void of human life. Many are full of self promotion marketing spin with no educational benefit to the … [Read more…]

Three Critical Keys To Your Annual Meeting Education Success: Context, Recall And Storytelling

When was the last time you ordered something in a restaurant and the wait staff brought you the wrong dish? Go ahead and think about that for a minute. You’re probably thinking, “Uh-h, when was the last time that happened? Where was I?” French Onion Soup, Cheese Fondue And Mushroom Crepes It happened to me … [Read more…]

Are We Ready For Annual Conferences In Perpetual Beta To Improve Attendee Experiences?

Change is the constant today. What would happen if conference organizers released information about their annual event and called it a perpetual beta version? What if a specific number of presentations were not identified and instead were labeled beta and the organizers asked attendees to help them co-create the sessions? What if some of the … [Read more…]

Improving The Annual Meeting Experience By Strolling Down [Semantic] Memory Lane

You’ve got 15 minutes to dash into your favorite hardware store and purchase some finishing nails for a project. You know exactly where they are as you’ve walked passed them many times. As you enter the store a sense of dread overwhelms you. The management has rearranged the products and aisles. You look up and … [Read more…]