Lectures Are A Wimpy Model For Learning July 11, 2012 by Jeff Hurt I have reached my limit with well-educated-yet-stupidly-ignorant, egotistical, self-centered experts who believe lectures are the best way to learn. Lectures and listening are wimpy models for learning. The Myth Of Learning From Lectures Too many people believe the myth that listening to a lecture is the fastest way to learn. And too may well-intentioned speakers … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , adult learning, brain science education, conference education, dult education, lecture, presentation best practices
From Boring To Beneficial Conference Education June 29, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Let’s face it. Most conference education is yawn-stirring, sleepy-eyed, ho-hum, day-old soggy Melba-toast tasting boring. It makes root-canals seem fun! Regardless, the human brain loves to learn. In spite of our age, culture, gender and race, our brains are designed to always be on the prowl for new things to discover and experience. The brain … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , adult education, adult learning, adult learning principles, conference best practices, conference education, conferences, meeting professionals, presentation best practices, presentation strategies, speaker tips
Conference Share-A-Thons Are A Learning Illusion June 19, 2012 by Jeff Hurt It all started in preschool and kindergarten. Every week, our teacher would ask us to bring something to class for show-n-tell. We would bring our beloved stuffed animal or a coin from a foreign country or a favorite toy or whatever caught our eye on the way out the door to school. The purpose of … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , adult learning, adult learning principles, adult learning strategies, conference education, conferences, learning
Three Key Ingredients Needed For Conference Learning To Occur June 18, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Learning at conferences is actually a fragile thing. Many things affect our learning. And those factors increase in a complex, content-rich, sensory-strong, ever changing, unfamiliar conference environment. Three Factors That Influence Our Learning Cognitive psychology researchers have shown that three major factors influence how much and how well we learn: ability, prior knowledge and motivation. … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , adult learning, adult learning principles, adult learning strategies, conference education, conferences, learning
Your Training Programs Are Preposterous And Fail Miserably To Foster Learning June 6, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Training is for dogs. Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m educating my dogs” or “I’m instructing my dogs.” Of course you haven’t. That’s because most training programs are for dogs. The Education Semantics Challenge Many people use the words training, education, instruction and learning interchangeably. However each conveys a unique message and meaning. Individually … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , association best practices, conference best practices, instruction, learning, training
Your Senses Are Your Raw Information Learning Portals May 23, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Quickly, name your five senses. That’s easy! Right? Sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. Now, what percentage of information comes though each sense? That one is not so easy. Here’s another way to think about this. How much information do we gather from each sense in the same amount of time as compared to the … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , adult learning principles, adult learning strategies, conference best practices, learning, presentation best practices
Creating Buzz Groups To Add Audience Participation To Traditional Lectures May 10, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Lectures are good for sharing information. They are not good for learning and getting listeners to think! Nor are the good for getting listeners to remember and apply the information they hear. Audience discussion methods are more effective for learning than the lecture. Lectures are the equivalent of distributing a report and asking people to … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Speaker Coaching Tagged With: , active learning, active participation, attendee engagement, conference best practices, conference tips, conferences, engagement, lecture, participatory learning, presentation best practices
Creating A Stronger Conference Story May 7, 2012 by Jeff Hurt What do vacations and colonoscopies have in common? More than you think! Emmy-winning former Wall Street Journal and NBC journalist, author, inventor and business consultant Kare Anderson shares her thoughts on creating a stronger conference story. She discusses the importance of creating conversation threads and a participatory purposeful narrative that invites others to join in … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , conference best practices, conferences, storytelling
Are Your Organization’s Learning Opportunities Outdated? May 4, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Is your organization offering learning opportunities that are based on an outdated model? Or have you positioned your organization to offer learning opportunities that are proven to be successful today and align with your participants’ learning? No, I’m not just talking about the linear advancement of technology as applied to learning. Technology is a factor … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , association, association best practices, association trends, conference education, learning, learning trends, nonprofit trends, online education
Are You Still Providing Education Opportunities Based On The Industrial Revolution Model? May 3, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Is your organization still trying to make revenue from didactic forms of education and instruction? Are you using a hierarchical, top-down, command and control delivery model? Are you providing content that seems out of context in today’s every changing global market? If you are, you are showing your age. You are announcing to the world … [Read more…] Filed Under: Business Model, Conference Education Tagged With: , association, association best practices, association trends, conference education, learning, nonprofit trends, online education