Tag: conference education

Is Your Conference EPIC?

The challenge of many conferences today is that they are like local, indigenous populations using their native tongue trying to talk to foreign immigrants. The traditional conference experience is out of touch, disconnected and using an outdated model. It fails to connect with today’s generations. Well, it’s time your conference went EPIC! Four Stages Of … [Read more…]

You Need These Conference Learning Game Changers

We need more game changing, transformative learning at our conferences! We need more learning. Deeper learning. More effective education that leads to transformative, productive, professional change. We need more peer sharing and peer learning. We need more education experiences based on scientific evidence of how the adult brain learns. We need conferences to be the … [Read more…]

From M&Ms To Supernatural Learning: Attributes Of Effective Learning Strategies

I don’t believe in cookbooks for learning. I’ve seen too many well-intentioned instructors pick up someone else’s education recipe and create a flawed experience. It just falls flat. The Meal Needs More Than Just The Right Ingredients I do believe in sound ingredients that can be combined and recombined in many ways to create a … [Read more…]

Our Ability To Learn Has Deep Roots In Our Ability To Talk To Others

Listening is often the only thing attendees do in formal learning environments. Speakers talk. Audiences listen. They listen to keynote speakers at conferences. They listen to presenters in workshops. They listen to industry speakers in education sessions. They listen to staff in HR trainings. The truth is that all that listening amounts to very little … [Read more…]

Conferences Should Mirror These CEO Employee Expectations

1,700+ CEOs in 64 countries identified collaboration, agility, mining connections and relationships, and innovation through partnering as the top critical traits that their employees need today. According to CEOs, the top four personal characteristics most critical for employees success were: collaboration, communicative, creative and flexible. CEOs seek employees who will thrive in an open environment. … [Read more…]

Most Organizations Are Victims To Pedagogy – Instructor-Centered Education

Most organizations use an outdated model to provide education to its customers and team. They are victims to instructor-centered or expert-centered education. They follow a pedagogic model of education. Unfortunately, this greatly hinders active inquiry which is the basis for learning. Pedagogy: Instructor-Focused Education Pedagogy literally mans the art and science of educating children. It … [Read more…]

Lectures Are A Wimpy Model For Learning

I have reached my limit with well-educated-yet-stupidly-ignorant, egotistical, self-centered experts who believe lectures are the best way to learn. Lectures and listening are wimpy models for learning. The Myth Of Learning From Lectures Too many people believe the myth that listening to a lecture is the fastest way to learn. And too may well-intentioned speakers … [Read more…]

From Boring To Beneficial Conference Education

Let’s face it. Most conference education is yawn-stirring, sleepy-eyed, ho-hum, day-old soggy Melba-toast tasting boring. It makes root-canals seem fun! Regardless, the human brain loves to learn. In spite of our age, culture, gender and race, our brains are designed to always be on the prowl for new things to discover and experience. The brain … [Read more…]

Conference Presenters Can Literally Change Attendees’ Minds

Conference attendees generally want to learn. Presenters generally want attendees to learn. Conference organizers and hosts generally want attendees to learn as well. So why does so little learning actually occur at a conference? Good Intentions Pave The Way To Learning Fail The conference organizers’ and presenters’ intentions are good. Unfortunately, their intentions go awry … [Read more…]

Why Conferences Should Try To Recapture The Campfire Experience

Many of us have been to summer camp. We sleep in bunks in cabins. Swim in lakes. Row canoes down the stream. Take adventure walks through the forest. Eat meals family-style in log cabin lodges. Make lots of crafts. Our day typically ends with everyone sitting around a campfire as we tell stories and sing … [Read more…]