Tag: Education & Adult Learning

Applying The Fisch Flip To Your Conference Model

Have you heard about the Fisch Flip or Flip-Thinking? Dan Pink wrote about Flip Thinking and how some people are reversing the usual sequence of things. Pink talks about Karl Fisch, a 20-year educator who has decided to flip the standard high-school math class. Fisch puts all of his lectures on YouTube and assigns them … [Read more…]

The 21st Century Conference Attendee Bill Of Rights

Here is the heart of why most people attend conferences: learning. Learning about others. Learning new ideas through collaboration and problem solving. Learning what has worked. Learning solutions to our problems. Learning current trends and research to further our careers. Learning is the heartbeat of today’s world. Stop learning and you stop progression, and business … [Read more…]

Modernizing Conference Education

With all the advancements in society and research on how the brain works, why is it that most conference education still provides talking heads and passive listeners? Is that best for your attendees? Here is the PowerPoint from a short 12-minute TED-style presentation that I gave at Experient’s 2010 e4 conference in Orlando, FL. Enjoy. Modernizing … [Read more…]

The Modern Meetings Mixologist: What Our Conferences Need Most

Have you used a mixologist recently? Most people think the term mixologist is a fancy term for a bartender. That’s partially true. Many of today’s mixologist start out as bartenders and transition into the art and craft of creating new drink recipes. A mixologist is a bartender that specializes in the creation of cocktail recipes. … [Read more…]

Roller Coaster Scream Machines, Ho-Hum Train Rides And Event Experiences

Your palms sweat. Your heart races. Adrenalin pulses through your veins. The closer you get to the main entrance, the more your body is on high alert. Part of you wants to run away as fast as possible. Part of you wants to stay and conquer. Finally, it’s your turn. You sit in the small … [Read more…]

Thinking About How Conference Meeting Design Impacts The Brain

The things that make you go hmmm. I’ve been reading a lot of books recently about how our brains experience emotions, engagement and learning, and how we remember, retain and apply information. I’ve been thinking about the application of cognitive neuroscience to conferences, events and meetings. These are the things that make me go hmmm. … [Read more…]

Weigh In On What Do We Call Them?

In a recent blog post I asked Registrant, Attendee, Participant Or Learner? What do we call people who attend a conference or event? As a recap, here are the definitions of those words and I’ve added delegate to the discussion as well. The differences are subtle yet articulate distinct responses and actions. Registrant – one … [Read more…]

Registrant, Attendee, Participant Or Learner?

Words, words, words. They are everywhere. Billboards, blogs, books, Facebook, menus, movies, internet, LinkedIn, magazines, newspapers, roadway signs, screens, social media, smart phones, television, Twitter and websites to name a few. Words are rapped, shouted, spoken and sung. Some are believed, felt and trusted. Some are disputed, doubted and cause negative emotions. Some words dance, … [Read more…]

We Participate, Therefore We Are

This spin on cogito ergo sum (English: “I think, therefore I am”) could possibly be a good motto for all conferences and events. Social Learning We participate, therefore we are. Our learning, understanding and knowledge are developed in participation with others. Social learning occurs through conversations about the content and through grounded interactions and engagement … [Read more…]

HAPO – Help A Planner Out! Crowdsourcing A Speaker Confirmation Letter

  Have you heard of HARO – Help A Reporter Out? We’ll here’s your opportunity to HAPO – Help A Planner Out. If you have expertise in meetings, events, education, association work, marketing, branding–whatever, think about helping this meetings and education specialist. Crowdsourcing A Speaker Confirmation Letter Meet Veronica Bemis, Education Program Coordinator, American Wind … [Read more…]