Tag: meeting planning best practices

Not Safe For Conferences (NSFC): Marginal Presentations

Welcome to the world of conferences starring your industry speaker’s slide deck with a supporting role by you. If Ebert and Roper critiqued our conference presentations instead of movies, they would announce a huge two thumbs down for the majority of our speakers. If Entertainment Tonight was Conference Tonight, they would report a colossal loss of … [Read more…]

How Do You Feel About The Commoditization Of Event Production?

I love a cloned conference! Don’t you? Jeff Rodgers of Zap Creative has launched The Meetings Department that offers a plug and play template for your next meeting. Starting at $5,000, you purchase a cloned conference experience with a minute-by-minute show flow, script for general sessions and awards, walk-in and walk-out music and videos to … [Read more…]

The HIPPO In The Room: You Are Not Your Audience

Dear Conference Organizer: You are not your audience. You are not your customers. Yes, you have your own preferences, your own likes, your own tastes. But you are not planning that event for yourself. And what you like is probably far from what your audience likes. You have to get out of your own mind. … [Read more…]

Your Conference Attendance Marketing Silver Bullet

It’s rare to find a silver bullet that actually works. And I’ve seen one lately. The Registrant List As A Lure For conference attendance acquisition, that bullet is the attendee list. The attendee list acts as a lure attracting those that have not registered yet. So let potential attendees see who else is already registered. … [Read more…]

Create An Event Pre-Mortem Instead Of An Event Autopsy

The knife plunged into the skin creating a diagonal slash starting at the shoulder. The gloved hands plunged the knife into the body again creating a second diagonal cut in the opposite shoulder. The two incisions met at a point and then continued in a vertical downward slice. The letter Y was scarred permanently into … [Read more…]

4 Tips Your Conference Can Learn From Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey said goodbye to her raving fans recently after 4,560 shows. Her last episode generated more than 18 million viewers. (Nielson Ratings)  Few public figures have received such extraordinary exit ratings. Amazingly, Oprah stopped while she was ahead. Creating Raving Fans And Extraordinary Success How did she do it? What made her successful? What … [Read more…]

Creating A Fuzzy Event With ESP

How fuzzy is your annual conference or event? No, we are not talking about a hairy, fluffy conference or event. Nor are we talking about an event for hair stylists, hair removal professionals or hirsute populations. Fuzzy events embrace fuzzy goals. Is your goal to incrementally improve your conference experience? Or is it to create … [Read more…]

Are You Corrupting Your Education Sessions?

Less is more. Too much, too fast, it won’t last. That’s a favorite adage used by some educators. The underlying concept is that you can present more and faster. But your listeners will simply forget more and faster! Overloading The Mind Organizations and conference planners are often pressured to offer more presentations and content. More, … [Read more…]

Give Yourself Permission To Take The Risk

In the next 12 months, you have a choice to make. Reimagine your annual meeting and mix it up. Or keep it the way it’s always been done. What Yes Promises A yes promises a breakthrough in helping your conference participants improve their effectiveness and professional careers. It promises a new, fresh and exciting experience. … [Read more…]