Tag: transformational learning

Nurturing Conference Experiences That Foster Skillful Collaboration To Create Progress

We can’t solve today’s and tomorrow’s problems with yesterday’s thinking says Dan Pink. Most of us only know one way to address our challenges. Our problem solving skills, our communication strategies and our capacity to bend our ideas as we bridge gaps have not evolved fast enough. We think there is only a right and … [Read more…]

Conferences During Hinge Times

We are living in a world of hinge time. Our conferences are planned to educate attendees for an era that no longer exists. The challenges our attendees face are vastly different from the ones of the past. Most of our conference attendees were educated on how to be right. We focus on individual and collective … [Read more…]

Is Your Conference Fostering Conscious Cognitive Misers?

Are you creating intellectually lazy conference participants? Your conference programming may harbor bias toward minimizing cognitive efforts. In other words, your conference sessions and speakers may actual curtail participants’ thinking. Your conference could be creating happy fools. These happy fools blindly respond to their own problems by erroneously using your conference takeaways as accurate solutions. … [Read more…]

Part 2: Ten Industrial-Strength Awesome Trends Poised To Disrupt Your Conference Education

More powerful than your current offerings. More effective than your current industrial-strength-stupid monologues and ineffective-panel-methods. These trends are poised to give you the upper hand and differentiate you from your competitors or send your conference committee suggestions into a downward spiral that will take years to recover from. Take heed. These trends will be knocking … [Read more…]

Ten Industrial-Strength Awesome Trends Poised To Disrupt Your Conference Education Part 1

They are unusually strong and potent. They are more durable than your current conference education strategies. And they are highly-concentrated ready to improve your attendees’ learning ROI. That is assuming that you are open to understanding, adopting and applying them. The choice is yours. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is convincing your … [Read more…]

Your Conference Needs To Offer Transformational Learning Not Informational Learning

Which word describes the type of conference education sessions you prefer to attend? Pick one. Informed or transformed? The Best Learning At Conferences For me, I want to be more than just informed. I can be informed by reading information online. I don’t need to travel to a conference to become informed. I prefer a … [Read more…]