5 Reasons Why Learning To Disagree Without Being Disagreeable Is Hard August 16, 2010 by Jeff Hurt Recently I’ve written about learning to disagree without being disagreeable. Sometimes I ask hard questions. Sometimes I’m willing to ask the question that everyone is thinking but won’t say. Some accuse my questioning of being negative to the process. (What process?) Some say I have a hidden agenda. Some say I’m just attacking. When did … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , communication, conversations, disagreeing without being disagreeable, diversity in thought, open dialogue, reflective thinking
Thinking About How Conference Meeting Design Impacts The Brain August 10, 2010 by Jeff Hurt The things that make you go hmmm. I’ve been reading a lot of books recently about how our brains experience emotions, engagement and learning, and how we remember, retain and apply information. I’ve been thinking about the application of cognitive neuroscience to conferences, events and meetings. These are the things that make me go hmmm. … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , adult learning, brain-friendly conferences, brain-friendly meetings, conferences, Education & Adult Learning, engagement
Weigh In On What Do We Call Them? August 6, 2010 by Jeff Hurt In a recent blog post I asked Registrant, Attendee, Participant Or Learner? What do we call people who attend a conference or event? As a recap, here are the definitions of those words and I’ve added delegate to the discussion as well. The differences are subtle yet articulate distinct responses and actions. Registrant – one … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , attendee, conferences, Education & Adult Learning, engagement, learner, participant
Registrant, Attendee, Participant Or Learner? August 5, 2010 by Jeff Hurt Words, words, words. They are everywhere. Billboards, blogs, books, Facebook, menus, movies, internet, LinkedIn, magazines, newspapers, roadway signs, screens, social media, smart phones, television, Twitter and websites to name a few. Words are rapped, shouted, spoken and sung. Some are believed, felt and trusted. Some are disputed, doubted and cause negative emotions. Some words dance, … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , attendee, conferences, Education & Adult Learning, engagement, learner, participant
We Participate, Therefore We Are July 27, 2010 by Jeff Hurt This spin on cogito ergo sum (English: “I think, therefore I am”) could possibly be a good motto for all conferences and events. Social Learning We participate, therefore we are. Our learning, understanding and knowledge are developed in participation with others. Social learning occurs through conversations about the content and through grounded interactions and engagement … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , active learning, active participation, adult learning, conferences, Education & Adult Learning, engagement, meeting
Are You Promoting Outdated Conference Education Models? Junk Brain Science Exposed Part 2 July 8, 2010 by Jeff Hurt Having one’s fundamental belief systems challenged is hard. When those core beliefs are proven, through science, to be incorrect, it is even harder to let go. Sometimes it takes days, months and even years to let the new information unfold and develop an understanding of the new concepts. Sometimes we refuse to let go. Sometimes … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , adult learning, brain science education, brain-friendly conferences, brain-friendly meetings, Education & Adult Learning
Alleged Brain Science Education Exposed – Learning To Unlearn, Learn And Relearn July 7, 2010 by Jeff Hurt “The secret to learning new things is to be willing to unlearn–even if your behaviors previously brought success.” ~ Marcia Connor. Unlearning, Learning And Relearning About How The Brain Impacts Conferences And Events I’m been in an unlearning funk for the past year or so. I didn’t want to give up familiar education models. They … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , adult learning, brain science education, brain-friendly conferences, brain-friendly meetings, Education & Adult Learning, learning styles exposed
Three Ways To Upgrade Reekin’ Stinkin’ Conference Education And Help Your Presenters Practice Their Craft July 6, 2010 by Jeff Hurt Let’s face it. Most conference education is lackluster. Actually, most of it stinks, is dull and could be used to line bird cages. Generally, our customers say they attend conferences and meetings to learn and network. Yet, we as conference organizers continue to do the same things we’ve always done when planning our meetings–focus on … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Speaker Coaching Tagged With: , adult learning, content, delivery, Education & Adult Learning, engagement, practice versus experience, speaker, Speaker Emerging Practices, speaker evaluations
Improving Your Conference Education: Begin With The End In Mind July 1, 2010 by Jeff Hurt When securing speakers for you next conference or meeting, here are two things that you can do that will have an immediate positive effect on your conference education: Tell your speakers that you want them to build their presentations backwards. They should begin by identifying the learning outcomes. What is it that they want their … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Speaker Coaching Tagged With: , conferences, delivery, Education & Adult Learning, speaker, Speaker Emerging Practices
Three Critical Keys To Your Annual Meeting Education Success: Context, Recall And Storytelling June 23, 2010 by Jeff Hurt When was the last time you ordered something in a restaurant and the wait staff brought you the wrong dish? Go ahead and think about that for a minute. You’re probably thinking, “Uh-h, when was the last time that happened? Where was I?” French Onion Soup, Cheese Fondue And Mushroom Crepes It happened to me … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , adult learning, brain-friendly conferences, brain-friendly meetings, conferences, content, context, learning, storytelling