Tag: brain-friendly meetings

Social Isolation In The Midst Of A Crowded General Session

Rows and rows of chairs in straight lines face the stage. Aisles separate sections of chairs so people can navigate the room. The large ballroom easily seats 5,000 people theater style. The air is cold and stale. The lights dim. A dancing image appears on the front screens and the delay screens hanging from the … [Read more…]

Creating Sizzling Audiences: From Essential Sparks To Combustible Motivation

Imagine for a moment that you’re preparing for a presentation for an upcoming conference. Close your eyes and visualize that your audience appears to be actually sizzling in their seats with enthusiasm. They are on fire for your words. Now imagine you have that same experience every time you present. Creating Audience Combustible Motivation This … [Read more…]

The Mirage Of Conference Information Tsunami

Your attendees rate the learning impact of “massing” as superior at your event. Massing in the education world is defined as receiving large blocks of information in condensed amounts of time. Attendees feel that the more information they can receive, the higher their performance. Unfortunately, the conference information tsunami is a mirage. It is a … [Read more…]

Connecting The Dots Critical To Brain-Friendly Conference Learning

Do you remember the children’s activity connect the dots? This paper and pencil puzzle contained a sequence of numbered or lettered dots. Your task was to draw a line connecting dots in the right series so that the outline of an object was revealed. As we got older, the dot to dot activities became more … [Read more…]

Creating A Brain-Friendly Not Brain-Adverse Event

Imagine going to a party where you meet a bunch of new people. Which faces will you remember? Which names will you recall? You’ll probably remember the woman who made you laugh. The man who accidentally spilled his drink on you. The man who made your face turn red from embarrassment. And the women who … [Read more…]

Using AGES To Design Brain Friendly Conferences

Is your conference experience one that hurts your participants’ brains or one that helps their brains learn? In other words, is your conference brain-adverse or brain-friendly? Does the experience align with how your attendees’ brains work? Or does it work against the brain’s natural systems, shutting it down from learning? Two Critical Conference Factors To … [Read more…]

Get On The Brain Train Before It Leaves The Station

Attendees spend about 24 hours physically present in a three-day conference experience. (About eight hours a day, outside of sleep and night activities.) Students who attend school from kindergarten through high school typically spend more than 13,000 hours learning from teachers. 24 hours seem minimal as compared to 13,000 hours. Yet, most conference participants try … [Read more…]

Three Event Infographics On Conference Education And ROI

Here are three Infographics from Experient’s e4 2010 Conference. Modernizing Conference Education – 15 min, TED-Style talk as part of Summer Storms Building A Customized ROI Tool That Measures Results – Terri Breining’s 15 min, TED-Style talk as part of Summer Storms Developing Next Generation Conference Education Sessions – Cafe Session Images by GraphicFootprints.  

Planning Presentations With The Brain In Mind

Most association education, whether online or face-to-face, actually inhibits learning. In a typical presentation, attendees sit and listen while presenters stand and deliver. That is the sure sign of learning failure. Lectures And Bicycles I remember when I first learned to ride a bike. My parents had given me my first bike complete with training … [Read more…]

Innovative Techniques In Conference Formats For The Participatory Culture

Here is the PPT slide deck from a recent presentation to The Higher Education User Group (HEUG). Innovative Techniques In Conference Formats For The Participatory Culture View more presentations from Jeff Hurt. For more information consider these past posts: How Participatory Cultures Are Changing Conferences, Events And Associations The One Technology Tool Most Associations And … [Read more…]