Tag: conference best practices

We Are All Visual Learners

How much do you learn from your sight? Most scientists agree that about 75% of your learning occurs through your vision. Looking To Learn Consider infants. They pick up behavior traits by observing people around them. They process and interpret facial expressions and gestures. From a quick glance, they can tell if their parents are … [Read more…]

3 Ways To Leverage Content Marketing To Align With Your Goals

A growing number of your supplier members are shifting their focus to content marketing. They realize that traditional push marketing by itself is dead. By hosting their own webinars, virtual conferences, online communities and providing whitepapers, research and content, they compete for your members’ time and share of mind. Communicating Without Selling Junta42, a content … [Read more…]

Online First, Face To Face Second

I register for conferences online. I make my hotel reservations online. I make my flight reservations online. I try to schedule my itinerary online. I schedule my medical appointments online. Except for emergencies of course. I make my hair appointment online. I make my dental appointments online. I buy my movie tickets online. I connect … [Read more…]

Creating An Unforgettable Event: Unlocking Memory By Unleashing The Power Of Thinking

You are what you eat. What you see is what you get. These idioms are familiar to most of us. Here’s a simple truth: What you think about is what you remember! The implication for your conferences, events and meetings are substantial. Our Memory Is Like A Video Recorder? Not! Many meeting professionals and conference … [Read more…]

Mission Possible: Engaging Event Attention

Attention is a payment of the brain’s resources. It requires that we adjust, engage and sustain each of our nine brain areas involved in attention. We must also exclude, suppress or ignore external and internal distracters. Ultimately, we need a highly disciplined internal state and the right brain chemical balance to maintain attention. This is … [Read more…]

Go Ahead. Reinvent The Wheel!

Every day I read dozens of blogs and articles about new technologies arriving at our door steps. I am always intrigued by the technology people create. Even more so, I am fascinated by their inventiveness. Their ingenuity. Their originality and resourcefulness. It’s very appealing and captivating. I want to hang around with those inventors and … [Read more…]

Mall Science: What Your Conference Can Learn From The Mall

As a teenager in Roanoke, VA, I would hang out with my friends in Crossroads Mall. We would visit our friends who were working in various stores. We’d visit Robby in the Hallmark Card and Candy Store located in the mall’s main courtyard. We’d visit Sherry in the Hobby Shop. Tom in JCPenny. Mark in … [Read more…]

Screening Steps To Improve Your Conference’s Health

How healthy is your conference? Is it time for your conference to have a thorough physical exam? Is your conference experience in need of a health check-up? Is it in a state of dis-ease? Why Your Conference Needs A Checkup Here are three reasons why your conference needs a health checkup: 1. Avoid Dr. Fix-it … [Read more…]

Conference Session Descriptions That Whet the Appetite

This is the first in a series on writing better conference session descriptions. This overview article was written (well, ghostwritten by me in collaboration with Dave Lutz) for Dave’s People & Processes column in PCMA’s March edition of Convene. In subsequent posts, we’ll explore conference sessions titles, descriptions and learner objectives in more detail. Why … [Read more…]