Five Steps To Take Your Education Programming From Blah To Wickedly Smart March 14, 2014 by Jeff Hurt Curation: it’s more important than you think. And it’s extremely critical to the success of your education programming. When it comes to choosing education programming, curation involves deep excavation of the right content for the right audience at the right time for the right issue. Authentic Curation For Education Programming Curation is more than just … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , conferences, content-strategist-curator, curate, curation, curator, education best practices
7 Fundamental Ways To Drastically Improve Conference Breakouts February 25, 2014 by Dave Lutz Concurrent sessions, often known as breakouts, are the meat and potatoes of conferences. They are also one of the most difficult areas for your continuous improvement efforts. In many associations, volunteers vet submissions, decide topics and select speakers for their annual meeting’s concurrent sessions. While well intentioned, volunteer committees rarely are equipped with a big-picture … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , conference education, conference session, conferences, learning trends, meeting industry trends
How To Choose Education Content That Leads to a Treasure of Learners February 11, 2014 by Jeff Hurt Pirates are treasure hunters that don’t always play by the rules. As an association education professional, you too can buck tradition by searching for hidden treasures of content and delivering them to your members. The Pirate Spirit Many of us have negative images of pirates as shipmates that pillage and rob other vessels. Some of … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , adult education, adult learning strategies, conference curator, content-strategist-curator, context, curate
Your Conference Needs To Go On An Education Session Diet February 7, 2014 by Jeff Hurt Your conference attendees and prospects are less satisfied with an extensive list of education offerings than a narrow one. Too much information overwhelms them. And they walk away without any action. Ultimately, confused customers don’t buy anything. The Paradox Of Choice Yes, it’s true that when given a choice between a small and large assortment, … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Event Planning Tagged With: , Attendee Acquisition, conference education, conference marketing, marketing, target market
Conference Education List Sessions Are Deliciously Temptatious February 6, 2014 by Jeff Hurt “37 Mobile Apps In Less Than 60 Minutes!” Tina Brown’s “12 Tips For Engaging Events.” “15 Industry Trends You Need To Know.” Lists! We love them! We are drawn to them. We fancy them. The Lure Of The List Conference session titles that contain a numbered list have become ubiquitous ways to attract a crowd … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Event Planning Tagged With: , brain-friendly conferences, conference marketing, conference tips, conferences
Six Tips To Create The Conference Introvert Advantage February 3, 2014 by Jeff Hurt Are you an introvert or an extrovert? If you’re an introvert, you’re trendy right now. There is a lot of media buzz about introversion and their inner strengths in a primarily extrovert world. One In Four… At least one in four people tends to listen more than they speak, often feels alone in large groups, … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , adult learning strategies, andragogy, conference, conference best practices, conference tips, education best practices
Delivery or Discovery? The Dueling Conference Competitors January 21, 2014 by Jeff Hurt Which is more important to your attendees’ conference experience? Delivery of information or discovery of content? There lies the tension for 21st Century Conferences offering education sessions. The Faulty Premise For Conference Delivery As A Priority In most conference experiences, an attendee’s role is to consume information and knowledge that is hypothetically scarce. A conference … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , conference best practices, conference education, conferences, delivery, education best practices
Avoid The Conference Zombie Zone January 13, 2014 by Jeff Hurt Do your conference’s education efforts result in the living dead or do they create life-transforming moments? Meeting professionals who understand Evidence Based Education (EBE)—the science and evidence on learning –and those who apply EBE strategies derived from the research, will find their conference education efforts becoming more effective and exciting. Here is the slide deck … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , brain science education, brain-friendly conferences, brain-friendly meetings, conference, conference best practices, education best practices
Stop Trying To Offer Conference Content To Everyone January 8, 2014 by Jeff Hurt As a conference organizer, you want everyone to become a registrant, right? Male, female, young, old and everyone in between. So you try to attract as many people as possible with your programming. And you try to reach as many people as possible with your marketing. You are willing to take money from anyone willing … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , adult education, Attendee Acquisition, conference education, conferences, event marketing, target market
Establishing A New Model To Select Conference Content And Programming December 4, 2013 by Jeff Hurt Is it time to end the speaker call for proposals? Does the traditional open call for topics and speakers actually meet the conference audience’s needs? The traditional call for volunteer and professional speakers is a roll of the dice that the submissions meet the needs of the conference attendees. Too often staff and committees rely … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , association best practices, conference best practices, conference curator, content-strategist-curator, curate, meeting best practices, meeting experience, meeting industry trends