Want To Be A More Strategic Meeting Professional? Adopt These Perspectives! February 14, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Meeting professionals often hear they need to be more strategic in order to succeed. The successful meeting professionals that can move seamlessly back and forth from the logistics to the big picture are those that rise to the top. They are the ones that gain a seat at the executives’ table. Defining The Strategic Meeting … [Read more…] Filed Under: Event Planning Tagged With: , conference best practices, conferences, logistics, meeting logistics, meeting planning best practices, meeting professionals, strategic thinking
Three Styles Defining The Future Of Conferences And Events February 13, 2012 by Jeff Hurt In today’s successful forward-thinking conferences and events, the experience has become more sophisticated and seamless. It flows back and forth between participants, experts, speakers and event organizers. No longer is the conference host or speaker seen as the primary source of content and information. It’s a fluid and dynamic experience, rich in relationship building and … [Read more…] Filed Under: Event Planning Tagged With: , conference best practices, conference education, conferences, meeting industry trends, meeting planning best practices, trends
Our Conferences Are In Need Of An Epidemic February 7, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Are you a virus? Let me rephrase that. Do you see yourself as an innovator, a change agent, one that pushes the envelope? If you do, you may very well be a virus. Defining A Virus A virus is an infectious agent that replicates within the cells of a living host. Viruses spread in many … [Read more…] Filed Under: Event Planning Tagged With: , conference best practices, conferences, disruptive innovation, Innovation, meeting planning best practices, meeting professionals
Four Ways To Get Your Conference Education Out Of A Rut February 6, 2012 by Dave Lutz Ruts. We all have them. A rut is a settled or established habit or course of action, especially a boring one. It is usually a boring, predictable, stale routine. So, is your conference education stuck in a rut? Have you created predictable tracks and paths? If you’re like most meeting professionals, you start planning for … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , adult learning, adult learning principles, adult learning strategies, conference best practices, conference education, meeting planning best practices, presentation best practices, speaker tips
Gaining Conference Market Share Through Legal Stealing February 1, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Unless your conference is growing, you are on the road to decline. All conference attendance plateaus eventually erode. Unless you are taking conference attendee market share from others, you are not growing significantly. Stealing And Trespassing Are Legal When Attracting Conference Registrants There is a closed market for conference registrants. Yes, that’s right. There is … [Read more…] Filed Under: Attendance Marketing Tagged With: , attendee growth, conference best practices, conferences, market segmentation
10 Brain-Based Learning Laws That Trump Traditional Education January 31, 2012 by Jeff Hurt If you play cards you know the importance of a trump. A trump is a card which ranks higher than the played cards. A trump suit outranks all cards of plain suits. Literally, a trump refers to any sort of action, authority or policy that automatically prevails over others. The Brain’s Natural Learning Trumps The … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , adult learning, adult learning principles, adult learning strategies, brain science education, brain-friendly conferences, conference best practices, conference education, meeting planning best practices, presentation best practices
Creating Compelling Irresistible Social Conference Experiences January 30, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Social. It’s a word that strikes fear in some and excites others. Today it seems that everything is social. From social media to social networking to social technology to social business, the trend is all things social. It’s the new black. Defining The Social Conference So what is the social conference? Does it mean adding … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Networking, Experience Design Tagged With: , adult learning, adult learning principles, adult learning strategies, conference best practices, conferences, meeting planning best practices, social conference
Why Adults Want To Learn January 27, 2012 by Jeff Hurt As an adult, what drives you to learn? Enjoyment? Fun? Growth? Developing new skills? Seeking a new career? Job promotion? Professional certification requirements? New experiences? Supervisor mandates? All of the above? None of the above? The Motivations To Learn ASAE’s research, The Decision To Learn, states that the top two reasons people join nonprofit associations … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , adult learning, adult learning strategies, association best practices, conference best practices, conference education
The Conference Innovators DNA January 26, 2012 by Jeff Hurt The Conference Innovators DNA View more presentations from Jeff Hurt Innovation. It’s the heartbeat of today’s economy. It’s also where meeting professionals need to focus their attention, time and resources to compete in the meetings marketplace. Average meetings are planned by average meeting professionals. Yet, most conference attendees don’t want to pay for an average … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , conference best practices, conferences, disruptive innovation, Innovation, meeting planner, meeting planning best practices
Do Not Let Your Legacy AMS Kill Your Conference January 25, 2012 by Dave Lutz Here’s a newsflash for your IT department: Technology that is built for purpose (registration, expo sales, speaker management, etc.) does not need to integrate with your legacy association management system (AMS) in order to be implemented. Read that again! It’s true and something you need to understand before your AMS kills your conference. Your Customer … [Read more…] Filed Under: Event Technology Tagged With: , association best practices, conference best practices, conferences, event technology, mobile, tradeshow technology