Tag: change management

Effective Organizational Change Requires Engagement and Empowerment

I’m still getting my head around what does and doesn’t work with organizational development and change. After eight and half years of consulting at Velvet Chainsaw, one would think I would have figured out this change management stuff. But I haven’t. I have more questions than answers. I have seeds of ideas in need of … [Read more…]

An Association Committee’s Three Responses To Change And Innovation

Here’s your Who Wants to be A Millionaire million dollar question: What are the three states of association committee change? Is that your final answer? I’m sorry but solid, liquid and gas are not the right responses. And no, the State of WADITW (we’ve always done it this way), the State of WFIIINB (why fix … [Read more…]

Seven Reasons Why Your Conference Attendees Don’t Want You To Change

It’s just not the conference is used to be! That’s a common complaint from long-term conference attendees. Often they resist changes or conference growth. Conference organizers have to carefully watch placating these long-term attendees versus attracting new ones. Sometimes, we have to let the legacy attendees complain or leave in order to make the appropriate … [Read more…]

In Today’s Economy, Significance Precedes Momentum

So many people ask me, “If ______________ (fill in the blank) is so important for conferences, why aren’t more conferences implementing it?” “So you wait to make changes to your event once you see other conferences are already doing it?” I respond. “You wait to copy someone else instead of being the leader?” Frequently, conference … [Read more…]

Release Your Conference Trojan Mice!

Forget releasing your conference Kraken—that legendary giant sea monster sent out to destroy anything that gets in your way. And by all means, don’t release your Trojan horse. You don’t need a trick, stratagem or gimmick for your target audience. You need to release your Trojan mice! These are small, well focused changes that add … [Read more…]

Leading Others Through Organization Change Requires Effective Brain-Friendly Plans

Yes, when dealing with change, the details of the change are important. Equally important are the plans we develop to bring others along with the change. We often omit creating a plan that our team can own. We make a barbaric blunder and create a plan about the details of the change. We forget about … [Read more…]

Breaking Through The Guardians Of Change By Addressing The A In ACE

How can you unlock the grip of failure on your organization? “What?” you ask. “My organization is not operating at a loss or failing.” Oh, I beg to differ. If your organization strives to achieve status quo, a failure mentality has taken hold. Fear of failure and fear of change are probably your organization’s biggest … [Read more…]

Brain-Savvy Leaders Foster ACE

In order to grow, your organization must change. Organizations that refuse to move become stagnate. They become trapped, treading water through a set of regular routines while getting nowhere. Without lasting change, organizations become dull, sluggish and deteriorate. They eventually die, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. Unfortunately, the majority of organizational change fails, misses the mark … [Read more…]

Conference Education Sessions Must Override Attendees’ Need For Predictability

We are hard-wired to be like the Fraggles. But we are better off being like the the Doozers. Be A Doozer Not A Fraggle If you’ve ever watched the 80s tv show Fraggle Rock, you know the Fraggles and Doozers. The colorful, fur tuft tipped tail Fraggles only have a 30-minute work week. They dedicated … [Read more…]

Four Objections To Changing Conference Education And Experiences

Change freaks many of us out! We fear it. We ignore it. We refuse to accept it. It’s really not change that freaks us out. It’s the unknown of the outcome. It’s so much easier to keep things the same because we know the results. Defining Change According to psychologist and therapist Roger S. Gil, … [Read more…]