Tag: conference best practices

Maximizing Your Conference Professional Speaker Investment

You’ve spent hours surfing websites, reading bios, evaluating presentation descriptions and viewing speaker online videos. You’ve finally reached a decision and secured a professional speaker to keynote your opening general session. You feel relief, accomplishment and maybe even exhaustion. Then you wonder, “Did I ask the speaker to do everything possible? Are there other things … [Read more…]

11 Audiovisual Negotiating Tips For Meeting Success

Registration, room-blocks, ground and air transportation, accommodations, food, beverage, contracts, speakers, insurance, decor, meeting space, room capacities, ballrooms, schedules, room layouts, floor plans, contractors, union labor and much, much more. These are just some of the ingredients needed to put on a great meeting. Of course, we can’t forget that we need attendees, speakers, sponsors … [Read more…]

Why You Should Not Hire A Speaker That Will Alienate Part Of Your Audience

Learning is a fragile thing. It is a biological process that happens in the brain. Provide the wrong stimulus and the brain responds by shutting down the learning process and instead protecting the human body. In order for people to learn something, their basic needs have to be met first. They must feel like the … [Read more…]

Why Risky Conference Speakers Can Lead To Failed Learning

What do well-informed town halls and WWE’s “Friday Night SmackDown” have in common? A lot more than you would think. In 2009, both Friday Night SmackDown and healthcare town halls were sold out. Both witnessed a staged, well-rehearsed, public feud that was more about sensationalism than fact. During those healthcare town halls, two opposing sides … [Read more…]

Why Do We Start Conferences With General Sessions?

Most conferences kickoff with an opening general session. Why? What’s the point? What’s the purpose of a general session? Back To Presentation Basics What’ the purpose of a speaker for any presentation? Nancy Duarte, author of Resonate says it best, Presentations are most commonly delivered to persuade an audience to change their minds or behavior. … [Read more…]

Four Ways To Create Customer Evangelists For Your Conferences And Events

What if you could create a volunteer army of true believers who spread the word about your conference? Would you? Sure you would. Creating Customer Evangelists More Profitable Than Marketing Creating customer evangelists is a more efficient and profitable approach to acquiring and retaining customers than traditional marketing says authors Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba … [Read more…]

How To Use Your Meeting Space To Create An Ownership Experience

Have you ever been in an Apple Store? They are bright, open spaces with lofty ceilings, sleek design and great technology to play with at your fingertips. They offer a variety of services from the private one-on-one Genius Bar consultations to how-to classes to events to roving staff that are more like personal assistants than … [Read more…]

Improving Conference Attendee Experiences

Experiences are better when conferences are built around people. The conference experience greatly improves for all stakeholders when they are built around people and their relationships. Traditional Conference Experience The traditional conference is built around logistics and content. The majority of the conference organizer’s time is spent selecting and scheduling speakers. Organizers choose speakers based … [Read more…]

Six Shifts From Meetings Logistics To Designing Experiences

Our world continues to change rapidly. Today conference organizers must respond to fundamental shifts in attendees’ needs and expectations. Attendees want more connectedness, customization, interactions, personalization, group problem-solving and mobility. Conventional thinking for meeting professionals is to focus on the logistics of the meeting space. We spend our time and energy on designing the container … [Read more…]

Leveraging Professional Speakers For Conference Impact

Most conference expense budgets are tight and limiting. Technology innovations, including Skype, Snagit, DIY screen capture and affordable video editing tools, can help you bring more thought leaders to your conference experience. Increasing Conference Value With Professional Speakers Professional speakers are often the most remembered, valued and polished elements of a conference. Typically they are … [Read more…]