Tag: Education & Adult Learning

Are You Promoting Outdated Conference Education Models? Junk Brain Science Exposed Part 2

Having one’s fundamental belief systems challenged is hard. When those core beliefs are proven, through science, to be incorrect, it is even harder to let go. Sometimes it takes days, months and even years to let the new information unfold and develop an understanding of the new concepts. Sometimes we refuse to let go. Sometimes … [Read more…]

Alleged Brain Science Education Exposed – Learning To Unlearn, Learn And Relearn

“The secret to learning new things is to be willing to unlearn–even if your behaviors previously brought success.” ~ Marcia Connor. Unlearning, Learning And Relearning About How The Brain Impacts Conferences And Events I’m been in an unlearning funk for the past year or so. I didn’t want to give up familiar education models. They … [Read more…]

Three Ways To Upgrade Reekin’ Stinkin’ Conference Education And Help Your Presenters Practice Their Craft

Let’s face it. Most conference education is lackluster. Actually, most of it stinks, is dull and could be used to line bird cages. Generally, our customers say they attend conferences and meetings to learn and network. Yet, we as conference organizers continue to do the same things we’ve always done when planning our meetings–focus on … [Read more…]

Improving Your Conference Education: Begin With The End In Mind

When securing speakers for you next conference or meeting, here are two things that you can do that will have an immediate positive effect on your conference education:   Tell your speakers that you want them to build their presentations backwards. They should begin by identifying the learning outcomes. What is it that they want their … [Read more…]

Are Your Annual Meetings Producing Life-Giving Oxygen Or Life-Draining Experiences?

Oxygen, we can’t live without it. We need it to live, breath and function. This colorless, odorless, tasteless gas is the third most abundant element in the universe next to hydrogen and helium. It changes everything it touches. It forms compounds with almost everything it contacts and creates something new. Most molecules in living organisms … [Read more…]

A Blueprint For Socially Augmented Events: The Seven Stages Recap

On June 15, at the PCMA Education Conference 2010, I saw Scott Klososky present how to use social technologies in the seven stages of event planning.  The title of his presentation was “A Blueprint For Socially Augmented Events.” Scott’s presentation was mind boggling, thought-provoking and progressive. He laid it all on the line and challenged … [Read more…]

Engineering Education Strategies For Next Generation Conferences And Events – Wrap Up

On June 14, 2010, at PCMA’s Education Conference at the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth, I facilitated a discussion about the changes of learning in the digital age and their impact on conference education. We discussed these six principles of designing next generation sessions for today’s conferences. Conference education 1. Should transition from passive listening to … [Read more…]

Innovative Techniques In Conference Formats

Today I’m facilitating my second Peer2Peer presentation,  for the PCMA Education Conference 2010 in Montreal, Canada on Innovative Techniques In Conference Formats. Here is the brief session description, the learning objectives and the slide deck I used. In a world of multi-tasking and high-tech innovations, today’s attendee wants a meeting experience which will inspire and … [Read more…]

Learnscaping Your Conference Education Strategies

Do you landscape your yard? If you live in a condo or apartment, you may not have a yard. Although someone is usually paid to maintain the facility’s grounds and landscaping. Landscaping involves transforming the natural environment of a specific part of land. Almost any type of land can be landscaped. It includes working with … [Read more…]

Does Your Annual Conference Provide Education Or Information?

How do you define education? Seriously, how do you define education? How would you define information? Is there a difference in education and information or are those words synonymous? Think about the annual conferences that you attend. Do they provide education, information, both, or neither? Education Or Information? In the early 1990’s I was working … [Read more…]