Tag: social technology

Four Keys To Social Media Strategy Success

Like a crow drawn to bright, shiny objects, many organizations are drawn to the bells and whistles of new social technologies. Few think about their goals when using those social technologies. Few create an action plan to achieve an overall objective. Few align the use of those tools with their current plans. Often organizational leaders need … [Read more…]

Social Media Equals Human Content And Connection

The term social media has become fused with Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. But that’s wrong. It is so much more than those three social networking tools. What Is Social Media Anyway? Web 1.0 was about online delivery of information. It was static information on pages. It was one-way broadcast. Web 2.0 is bidirectional, dynamic and … [Read more…]

Connect To The New Social Nervous System Or Become Roadkill

“What is transpiring is momentous, nothing less than the planet wiring itself a new nervous system.  If your organization is not linked into this nervous system, you will be hard pressed to participate in the planet’s future. To be more specific, amidst the texting and Twittering and Facebooking of a generation of digital natives, the … [Read more…]