Experience Design

Innovative Techniques In Conference Formats

Today I’m facilitating my second Peer2Peer presentation,  for the PCMA Education Conference 2010 in Montreal, Canada on Innovative Techniques In Conference Formats. Here is the brief session description, the learning objectives and the slide deck I used. In a world of multi-tasking and high-tech innovations, today’s attendee wants a meeting experience which will inspire and … [Read more…]

The Quest for Continuous Meeting Improvement

Every business seeks to hire and retain exceptional talent. Organizations that demonstrate that they care for their people are making an investment in their future.  We’ve all heard it many times over. For meeting professionals to bring the greatest value to their organization, they’ve got to be strategic. The path leading to the executive table … [Read more…]

Are We Ready For Annual Conferences In Perpetual Beta To Improve Attendee Experiences?

Change is the constant today. What would happen if conference organizers released information about their annual event and called it a perpetual beta version? What if a specific number of presentations were not identified and instead were labeled beta and the organizers asked attendees to help them co-create the sessions? What if some of the … [Read more…]

Designing Next Generation Conference Education Sessions

On May 11, 2010, I presented a Webinar for KRM Information on Designing Next Generation Conference Education Sessions: Creating an Environment for Informal and Formal Learning in a Digital Age. Update May 13, 2010: Listen to the free recording of the sixty-minute presentation. As promised, here are the slides from the presentation. Enjoy. Designing Next Generation … [Read more…]

7 Annual Meeting Improvement Tactics During Tough Economies

In a down economy, an organization’s worst survival tactic is to make budget or staff cuts. A weak economy should provide the impetus for us to work smarter and pull the trigger on those initiatives that may not have gone over well even in better times. Organizations that make the right moves will rule the … [Read more…]

Four Steps To Overcome Conference Attendee Resistance To Active Participation

“I’m going to divide you into small groups.” That statement strikes fear in hearts and raises blood pressure in many conference attendees. Heads turn. Eyes dart. Dread increases. Frantic thoughts appear. Something from deep within the bowels of the unconscious mind rises and takes hold of the body. Sweat breaks on brows. The mind is … [Read more…]

Stomaching Long Conference Lectures Is Out! Active Attendee Participation is In!

14 Presentation Techniques That Encourage Maximum Learning, Participation And Memory Retention Today, many conference attendees will no longer tolerate the same old lectures, the conference committee’s poorly-planned-everything-for-everyone-panel or sessions that have no real meaning to their work. Younger generations will not endure classes that could have been learned at their desks in 30 minutes and … [Read more…]

Are You Providing A Homogenized Or Personalized Conference Experience?

Walk into most annual conference sessions and what do you see? What do you hear? You’ll probably hear and see the same thing in each room. One voice talking at a time. A speaker or panelist at the front of the room talking to a group of attendees. The attendees are sitting theater style facing … [Read more…]

The Art Of Sculpting Conference Design

Recently I wrote Two Reasons Why Crowdsourcing Your Conference Content Won’t Work. In that post, I referred to organizations that were using crowdsourcing as a voting platform to source their conference topics, speakers and sessions. These organizations were not using crowdsourcing in its purest form as a distributed problem-solving and production model. It was strictly … [Read more…]

Conference Curiosity Didn’t Kill The Proverbial Cat. It Awakened The Attendee

Imagine a conference where every attendee was learning, a world where what the attendee wondered was more interesting than what the expert presenter knew, and curiosity counted for more than certain knowledge. (With nods to a quote from The Cluetrain Manifesto.) I don’t know about you. I certainly want to attend a conference where what … [Read more…]