What Makes A Good [Conference] Ending? March 11, 2010 by Jeff Hurt “And they lived happily ever after.” It’s the classic ending of many children’s fairy tales. It wraps up the story nicely, alluding to the fact that all the character’s problems have been solved as they ride off on white horses into the sunset. Some people prefer a happy ending. Sitcoms wrap up problems in less … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , Meetings Technology Online Summit, MTO Summit, MTO Summit Chicago
Catalyst Conferences: How To Plan And Produce Next-Generation Conferences & Events March 10, 2010 by Jeff Hurt Here is the slidedeck from my presentation to EventSolutions 2010 on Catalyst Conferences: How To Plan and Produce Next-Generation Conferences And Events. People today are learning in new ways that are both collective and egalitarian. They contribute to Wikipedia, comment on blogs, teach themselves programming and figure out work-arounds to online video games. They follow … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , catalyst conferences, EventSolutions 2010, horizontal peer learning, informal learning, next-generation conferences, social learning
Radically Relational: The Social Conference January 15, 2010 by Jeff Hurt The Conference As A Distribution Center Typical conferences, events and seminars can all too easily become a distribution center, a place where attendees can come and get stuff and the conference organizers can dump stuff. The attendees receive education, information, new contacts, and swag. The conference organizers secure speakers to dump their presentations, vendors and … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Networking, Experience Design Tagged With: , Conference 2.0, conferences, event, Living Conference, social conference, social networking
The Four Cs Of Conferences And Social Media January 13, 2010 by Jeff Hurt This post is my contribution to the free eBook, Social Media For Events 2010: 7 Event Experts Weigh In On The Year Ahead compiled and created by Lara McCullouch-Carter. The Four Cs Of Conferences And Social Media Many novices and skeptics find social media confusing, much less trying to integrate social media with their events. Why … [Read more…] Filed Under: Experience Design Tagged With: , collaboration, community, conferences, content, cummulative value, Education & Adult Learning, event, meeting, Social Media, Web 2.0
Don’t Get Caught With Your Social Pants Down. Six Considerations For The Social Conference. January 7, 2010 by Jeff Hurt Traditional conferences versus social conferences. Which will you plan this year? Not sure about the “Social Conference?” Read this post on “Screw Your Event Resolutions. Do You Conference Social?” Here are six things to consider when planning the Social Conference so you don’t get caught with your social pants down. 1. In this new information landscape, … [Read more…] Filed Under: Experience Design Tagged With: , association, Conference 2.0, conferences, engagement, event, event technology, facebook, LinkedIn, Living Conference, nonprofit, social conference, Social Media, social networking, twitter, Web 2.0
Screw Your Ole Event Resolutions. Do You Conference Social? January 6, 2010 by Jeff Hurt Have you made some event resolutions for 2010? I suspect it may have included something about integrating social media into your conference format. Well, it’s time to screw your event resolutions about integrating social media. No, I’m not a heretic that has moved to the dark side banning social media from events and conferences. Calm … [Read more…] Filed Under: Experience Design Tagged With: , association, Conference 2.0, conferences, event, event technology, Living Conference, social conference, Social Media, Web 2.0
Four Overlooked Tips To Make Your Conference Experience More Successful January 5, 2010 by Jeff Hurt If you’re like me, you’re probably planning on attending at least one conference during the coming year. How do you prepare for your conference attendance? Do you make a list of goals or people that you want to meet before you attend? Or do you attend with a free spirit attitude and let spontaneity rule? … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , annual meeting, conference tips