Tag: meeting planning best practices

You Need These Six Actions At Your Next Conference

Do you design your conference meeting space with participants’ behaviors and actions in mind? Or do you design meeting space based on what is the most efficient and not necessarily the most effective? Regardless, you have the unique ability to motivate and stimulate your participants’ specific behaviors during your event. Orienting The Room For Specific … [Read more…]

New Movies Have Preview Trailers: What Does Your Upcoming Conference Education Have?

Does your conference education have coming attraction previews? No, not those stale electronic and printed marketing pieces with descriptions, bios and pictures. Does your organization provide smart, savvy, provocative short video clips of upcoming education designed to attract buyers? The Movie Trailer Promotion When you go to the movies, the first 10-15 minutes before the … [Read more…]

Creating Conference Meeting Space For Innovation And Collaboration

Walk into any space and consciously or not, that space tells us about how to respond. We internally feel what we are supposed to do there. We read the physical environment like we read another person’s emotions. The context of the space determines what we do there. Space Matters Space is the body language of … [Read more…]

Old Conference Education Memes Die Hard

What does it mean to learn at a conference? What tools does it take for learning to be successful in that environment? Most people say that successful learning occurs when a speaker presents to an audience. It requires a subject matter expert (SME) or panel of SMEs, research, content and a lecture. It must have … [Read more…]

Are You A Risky RFP Abuser?

Our profession is at risk. More small meetings, shorter lead times and RFP abuse are on a collision course for commoditizing our industry. It shouldn’t be commoditized! Hotels react by throwing technology and lower-level sales professionals against the problem. The model is not sustainable. Group Meetings Are Big Business Even a small meeting of 25 … [Read more…]

Becoming Conference Brain Changers

Never in society have we known so much about how our brains operate and how we learn. Today, we know what to do to foster successful learning at our conferences and events. Becoming A Brain Changer Research in cognitive neuroscience or mind, brain and education science is providing exciting new insights into how the brain … [Read more…]

11 Audiovisual Negotiating Tips For Meeting Success

Registration, room-blocks, ground and air transportation, accommodations, food, beverage, contracts, speakers, insurance, decor, meeting space, room capacities, ballrooms, schedules, room layouts, floor plans, contractors, union labor and much, much more. These are just some of the ingredients needed to put on a great meeting. Of course, we can’t forget that we need attendees, speakers, sponsors … [Read more…]

Why You Should Not Hire A Speaker That Will Alienate Part Of Your Audience

Learning is a fragile thing. It is a biological process that happens in the brain. Provide the wrong stimulus and the brain responds by shutting down the learning process and instead protecting the human body. In order for people to learn something, their basic needs have to be met first. They must feel like the … [Read more…]

Why Risky Conference Speakers Can Lead To Failed Learning

What do well-informed town halls and WWE’s “Friday Night SmackDown” have in common? A lot more than you would think. In 2009, both Friday Night SmackDown and healthcare town halls were sold out. Both witnessed a staged, well-rehearsed, public feud that was more about sensationalism than fact. During those healthcare town halls, two opposing sides … [Read more…]

Why Do We Start Conferences With General Sessions?

Most conferences kickoff with an opening general session. Why? What’s the point? What’s the purpose of a general session? Back To Presentation Basics What’ the purpose of a speaker for any presentation? Nancy Duarte, author of Resonate says it best, Presentations are most commonly delivered to persuade an audience to change their minds or behavior. … [Read more…]