Conference Education

Bite-Sized Conference Sessions: Do They Work?

Shorter education sessions are not the secret sauce for making boring or ineffective conferences appetizing. They may be more innovative and less predictable. They are even more entertaining. Unfortunately, rapid-fire five-to-18-minute presentations don’t improve learning. Unless you intentionally add time for context and meaning making. Shorter Conference Session Trends There is a growing trend for … [Read more…]

Why Your Conference Rots: It Is Just Like School

What’s wrong with your conference? It’s just like school! Most conference education has adopted bad baggage from America’s education system. Every conference organizer was brainwashed for twelve or more years that our education system works. Every conference host is convinced that education only occurs with a subject matter expert at the front of the room … [Read more…]

Six TV News Techniques To Use With Your Digital Events

The art of delivering presentations to remote audiences is anything but new. Radio and television have been doing it for decades. Broadcast Professionals Share The Same Challenges Radio and TV personalities face many of the same challenges that digital event organizers and presenters face. They present to remote, invisible and silent audiences. They can’t see … [Read more…]

Education Myths That Shape Conferences

Conventional wisdom regarding traditional conference education is well-intentioned and misguided. Our accepted beliefs about what does and doesn’t work in conference sessions are universal. We’ve always done it this way and no one has complained so it must be working. Today, cognitive neuroscience has created a new standard of proof. Most of what we thought … [Read more…]

Your Conference Content Is Cheap!

Our conferences need less information and more meaning! Information is cheap and easy to find. Meaning is difficult to acquire! Finding Answers Is Easy Google created a program to crawl the entire Internet, collect data and index all the answers. They got us to ask questions. Then they created a map that connected those questions … [Read more…]

The Top Reason Your Virtual Presentation Failed

I remember the first time I gave a virtual presentation. I was in a small conference room with six other panelists. A camera on a stand faced me. To my left was a computer that looked like a mashup of the old overhead projector and a touch screen. A large screen displaying six feeds at … [Read more…]

Social Isolation In The Midst Of A Crowded General Session

Rows and rows of chairs in straight lines face the stage. Aisles separate sections of chairs so people can navigate the room. The large ballroom easily seats 5,000 people theater style. The air is cold and stale. The lights dim. A dancing image appears on the front screens and the delay screens hanging from the … [Read more…]

Innovative Conferences Are Led By Innovative Leaders

Innovation. It’s the heartbeat and lifeblood of today’s economy. Innovation. It’s a strategic priority for most executives around the world. Innovation and creativity. 15,000 CEOs identified it as the number 1 “Leadership Competency” of the future. (IBM, CEO Study, 2010) Innovation. It’s where you as a conference organizer need to focus your attention, time and … [Read more…]

Four Conference Model Options

Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, in the days of old, in the rooms of the Inn, in the city of yonder, the time-honored, habitually-replicated, customary conference experience was basically always the same. It was one-directional, from organizers to attendees. Today, meeting professionals can select from a variety of conference models to customize … [Read more…]