Experience Design

Why Do We Start Conferences With General Sessions?

Most conferences kickoff with an opening general session. Why? What’s the point? What’s the purpose of a general session? Back To Presentation Basics What’ the purpose of a speaker for any presentation? Nancy Duarte, author of Resonate says it best, Presentations are most commonly delivered to persuade an audience to change their minds or behavior. … [Read more…]

Creating Customized Conference Learning Experiences

Dave Lutz and I recently presented for ASAE’s Great Ideas Conference 2012 on Creating Customized Conference Learning Experiences. We shared our philosophy and process for planning the content for PCMA’s 2011 and 2012 Learning Lounge. The Learning Lounge was a joint project between PCMA, Freeman and Velvet Chainsaw. Here are the slides from our presentation. … [Read more…]

Leveraging Professional Speakers For Conference Impact

Most conference expense budgets are tight and limiting. Technology innovations, including Skype, Snagit, DIY screen capture and affordable video editing tools, can help you bring more thought leaders to your conference experience. Increasing Conference Value With Professional Speakers Professional speakers are often the most remembered, valued and polished elements of a conference. Typically they are … [Read more…]

Overhauling Your Conference To Adapt To The Lean, Mean, Thinking Machine

Regardless of one’s age, culture, gender or race, we share one thing in common: Our human brains love to learn! Our brains are a lean, mean, thinkin’ machine. It’s always on the prowl for new things to explore. It is genetically programmed to learn. Brain Boredom Our brains are always paying attention to something says … [Read more…]

10 Brain-Based Learning Laws That Trump Traditional Education

If you play cards you know the importance of a trump. A trump is a card which ranks higher than the played cards. A trump suit outranks all cards of plain suits. Literally, a trump refers to any sort of action, authority or policy that automatically prevails over others. The Brain’s Natural Learning Trumps The … [Read more…]

Creating Compelling Irresistible Social Conference Experiences

Social. It’s a word that strikes fear in some and excites others. Today it seems that everything is social. From social media to social networking to social technology to social business, the trend is all things social. It’s the new black. Defining The Social Conference So what is the social conference? Does it mean adding … [Read more…]

The Conference Innovators DNA

The Conference Innovators DNA View more presentations from Jeff Hurt Innovation. It’s the heartbeat of today’s economy. It’s also where meeting professionals need to focus their attention, time and resources to compete in the meetings marketplace. Average meetings are planned by average meeting professionals. Yet, most conference attendees don’t want to pay for an average … [Read more…]

Four Discovery Philosophies That Lead To Innovation

How innovative is your organization? Do your executives instill in you and your coworkers the courage to try new ideas? The Source Of Organizational Innovation Organizational innovation starts at the top. At least that’s the finding from The Innovator’s DNA authors Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen and Clayton M. Christensen. They researched and studied highly innovative … [Read more…]

Your Organization Has Too Much To Do Because You Do Too Much

How can we add social media to our plates when we have so much to do? This is a common statement from nonprofit employees. They don’t want another task. They already have too much to do. So how can they simplify their work? The answer is simple: You have too much to do because you … [Read more…]

The Person Who Chooses Your Conference Content Has All The Power

“If we live in a world where information drives what we do, the information we get becomes the most important thing. The person who chooses that information has power,” says Seth Godin. Currently many conference hosts put the power of their conference content into the hands of administrators focused on shuffling speaker proposals and scheduling … [Read more…]