Tag: conference education

Getting Leadership Buy-in For Your Conference Upgrades

Your conference planning team has bought in to the idea that their traditional conference model needs to change. They’ve even agreed to some of the unique changes that should happen. Now you have to convince your leadership including the C-Suite, possibly the Board of Directors, and others, that these changes are the right move to … [Read more…]

Converting Three Hugely Popular Complaints About Changing Conference Education

Some conferences have begun to make the transition from passive listening experiences to active participatory education sessions. Participatory conference education is moving from a buzzword to a normal practice. And ultimately, attendees benefit greatly from the change. Some conference organizers have discovered that this transition requires more work than the traditional model of sit-‘n-get lectures … [Read more…]

The Next Frontier Of Conference Improvement: Conference Education

Traditional conference education models have lost their relevance. The process of distributing a call for session and speaker submissions, selecting experts that transmit and dispense information, and packaging it as professional development for the masses is overdone. One-size-fits-all education doesn’t work anymore. We are in the midst of great workplace disruption, brought on by a … [Read more…]

Myths Your Conference Should Stop Perpetuating

Your conference is spreading the cult of myths, traditions and rituals. How so? What do you mean? You ask. Providing conference education is not as intuitive as it seems! Science shows that there is a right way and a wrong way to design, deliver and implement conference education. Unfortunately, most conferences ignore the science. Instead, … [Read more…]

Is Your Conference Fostering Conscious Cognitive Misers?

Are you creating intellectually lazy conference participants? Your conference programming may harbor bias toward minimizing cognitive efforts. In other words, your conference sessions and speakers may actual curtail participants’ thinking. Your conference could be creating happy fools. These happy fools blindly respond to their own problems by erroneously using your conference takeaways as accurate solutions. … [Read more…]

Borrowing Great Ideas Leads To The Risks Associated With Mimicry

We seem to always be looking for the next quick tip, idea, or feature to implement for our next conference. But not so fast — there’s some work that needs to be done first. Just copying someone else’s success and ideas is an easy way out. Give Me Your Great Ideas…Fast! We like to see … [Read more…]

Inject These 5 Education Disruptors In Your Conference

Brain science is not a fad and neither is online learning. The more we learn about how we learn, the more opportunities we have to provide more meaningful and lasting learning experiences for attendees at our meetings and events. Inject These 5 Disruptors In Your Conference Education Here are the slides from my joint presentation … [Read more…]

Unlearning Our Old Patterns Of Conference Education To Relearn For A Socially Engaged Future

It’s past time for conference organizers to learn about learning! Our conference success depends upon it. We’ve got to stop saying that it is someone else’s job to manage the content, programming and the attendee experience of the conference. That all we do is work on the logistics of the conference. If we want to … [Read more…]

Part 2: Ten Industrial-Strength Awesome Trends Poised To Disrupt Your Conference Education

More powerful than your current offerings. More effective than your current industrial-strength-stupid monologues and ineffective-panel-methods. These trends are poised to give you the upper hand and differentiate you from your competitors or send your conference committee suggestions into a downward spiral that will take years to recover from. Take heed. These trends will be knocking … [Read more…]

Ten Industrial-Strength Awesome Trends Poised To Disrupt Your Conference Education Part 1

They are unusually strong and potent. They are more durable than your current conference education strategies. And they are highly-concentrated ready to improve your attendees’ learning ROI. That is assuming that you are open to understanding, adopting and applying them. The choice is yours. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is convincing your … [Read more…]