Conference Networking

Creating Conference Engagement With These Seven Social Spaces

People participate in a variety of behaviors at a typical conference. They enter the conference with specific expectations of what they can do at the event, who they can do it with and what’s expected of them. So how often do we plan conferences with a focus on the behaviors and types of spaces that … [Read more…]

Creating Planned Serendipity For Your Conference Success

Networking: there’s more to it than business professionals speed handshaking while exchanging business cards. It’s an opportunity to connect and link with others as you share information, services and ideas with each other. Attendee Networking Expectations Increase There is no doubt about it. Conference attendee networking expectations are on the rise! Your conference is often … [Read more…]

Creating Compelling Irresistible Social Conference Experiences

Social. It’s a word that strikes fear in some and excites others. Today it seems that everything is social. From social media to social networking to social technology to social business, the trend is all things social. It’s the new black. Defining The Social Conference So what is the social conference? Does it mean adding … [Read more…]

Six Uber Important Conference Connections

During school, we focused on what was in our heads. We took exams, got grades, received diplomas and worked towards degrees. During work, we focus on doing the job right. Our work is an open-book exam and we access lifelines from our colleagues to the Internet. Accessing our networks is encouraged and welcomed. Success today … [Read more…]

10 Key Gaming Elements To Increase Conference Engagement

Online games, MMOs, are changing the way people work, meet and interact. What Are MMOs? Multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs, MMOGs or MMOs) are sophisticated games with immersive environments. They support hundreds to thousands of players simultaneously. Played on the Internet, they feature a virtual world, a story with goals, avatars and guilds. Players engage … [Read more…]

Connecting: A Radical New Vision For Conferences And Events

Connections. As important as the plug is to the outlet so the electricity can flow. As important as the computer programming is to the wireless cell tower so our cell phones work. As important as the water faucet is to the plumbing so we can have fresh water. As important as the heart pumping blood … [Read more…]

Is Your (High-Tech) Networking Working?

When used properly, high-tech networking can increase the quantity and quality of professional connections. But to accomplish this, you’ll need an ‘Extreme Networking’ technology strategy — which starts weeks before and culminates in the face-to-face event. Helping grow a participant’s professional network is a sure-fire way to increase loyalty. Last month, we explored how to … [Read more…]

Extreme Networking: It’s A Contact Sport

You don’t need a helmet, knee or elbow pads to be an Extreme Networker. Heck you don’t even need to be on Twitter or Facebook (but they’ve been known to help). You just need to jump in and work it baby. Work “Extreme Networking,” that is. One of the huge differentiators that make live events … [Read more…]

Radically Relational: The Social Conference

The Conference As A Distribution Center Typical conferences, events and seminars can all too easily become a distribution center, a place where attendees can come and get stuff and the conference organizers can dump stuff. The attendees receive education, information, new contacts, and swag. The conference organizers secure speakers to dump their presentations, vendors and … [Read more…]