Tag: adult learning strategies

Is Your Conference Fostering Conscious Cognitive Misers?

Are you creating intellectually lazy conference participants? Your conference programming may harbor bias toward minimizing cognitive efforts. In other words, your conference sessions and speakers may actual curtail participants’ thinking. Your conference could be creating happy fools. These happy fools blindly respond to their own problems by erroneously using your conference takeaways as accurate solutions. … [Read more…]

Borrowing Great Ideas Leads To The Risks Associated With Mimicry

We seem to always be looking for the next quick tip, idea, or feature to implement for our next conference. But not so fast — there’s some work that needs to be done first. Just copying someone else’s success and ideas is an easy way out. Give Me Your Great Ideas…Fast! We like to see … [Read more…]

Adopt These Four Values To Super Charge Your Conference Participant Peer Learning

In today’s high-tech, information-at-your-thumbs world, education models have shifted. Our conference participants now have the capacity and cultural motivation to produce their own knowledge. They experience overwhelmingly support for creating and sharing information and connections in their daily lives. We continue to witness the rise of the participatory culture as Henry Jenkins describes it. These … [Read more…]

Unlearning Our Old Patterns Of Conference Education To Relearn For A Socially Engaged Future

It’s past time for conference organizers to learn about learning! Our conference success depends upon it. We’ve got to stop saying that it is someone else’s job to manage the content, programming and the attendee experience of the conference. That all we do is work on the logistics of the conference. If we want to … [Read more…]

License Attendees To Drive Their Brains To The Streets Of Increased Conference Value

The majority of your conference attendees believe that their conference learning is all about self discipline. They think that the more conference education sessions that they attend, the more information they can absorb. The only strategy they know is to strive hard and fast to physically hear as many speakers as possible. That intentional effort … [Read more…]

Part 2: Ten Industrial-Strength Awesome Trends Poised To Disrupt Your Conference Education

More powerful than your current offerings. More effective than your current industrial-strength-stupid monologues and ineffective-panel-methods. These trends are poised to give you the upper hand and differentiate you from your competitors or send your conference committee suggestions into a downward spiral that will take years to recover from. Take heed. These trends will be knocking … [Read more…]

Ten Industrial-Strength Awesome Trends Poised To Disrupt Your Conference Education Part 1

They are unusually strong and potent. They are more durable than your current conference education strategies. And they are highly-concentrated ready to improve your attendees’ learning ROI. That is assuming that you are open to understanding, adopting and applying them. The choice is yours. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is convincing your … [Read more…]

Five Super Effervescent Sparkling Fresh Conference Education Ideas

As a conference organizer, do you replicate last year’s conference schedule and experience and just change the filling? Or do you mix it up? Constantly looking for new ways to freshen up the attendee’s conference experience. The best conference organizers proactively seek fresh, new ideas to implement at their next annual meeting. They work hard … [Read more…]

Your Conference Is Offering Learning Scrap That Is Not Even Worth Recycling

Your conference and association value proposition is under attack! Education and networking are two benefits of conference attendance and association membership. Yet, education is being disrupted in major ways. When employees spend too much time in education offerings that do not translate into increased performance and productivity, it is learning scrap. It’s wasted information, knowledge … [Read more…]

We Are Drawn To Effortless Education Which Results In Temporary, Fleeting Illusions Of Grandeur

There are no shortcuts to learning. Yet, we believe there are. We rush to see the top 20 tips in 60 minutes. Or the six best pointers an expert has learned from their own success. Our brains love lists. And our brains will take the easy route to alleged learning anytime. The Illusion Of Knowing … [Read more…]