Tag: presentation best practices

Avoiding Zombie Zeitgeist: How Passive Listening Undermines Learning

The walking dead! We see them at every conference we attend. Eyes glazed over. Faces void of emotion. Weird body twitches from sitting in one position too long. Aimlessly walking the same direction to the next session. Grunts and groans as they salivate for something they will not get–relevant, meaningful information, relationship building activities and … [Read more…]

Do Not Start With The Roof: A How To Blueprint For Your Presentation Content

Imagine you’re going to build a house. You don’t just start building and add more wood as you proceed. Nor do you start with the roof and build from the top down. You start with a blueprint. You create a detailed and precise plan of what you want your house to be. The blueprint serves … [Read more…]

Looking To Learn: Why Visuals Are So Important

How much do you learn from your sight? Take a guess. The majority of scientific and education researchers agree that about 75 percent of your learning is through your vision. Wow, that’s a lot. According to neuroscientist Dr. John Medina, “The more visual the input becomes, the more likely it is to be recognized and … [Read more…]

From Panic To Calm: Strategies To Help Presenters Leverage Adult Learning Principles

You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain! ~ Jerry Lee Lewis This is how many speakers feel when they are asked to adopt good adult learning principles in their presentations. Their heart beat races as their fear increases. Making Presentations Stick Applying good adult learning principles is actually easier than you think. The … [Read more…]

Helping Your Remote Virtual Attendees Succeed As Participants

Our time is valuable. Many of us see our time as money, a resource that we don’t want to waste. Asking people to commit 30-, 45- or even 60-minutes of their time to attend your Webinar is asking a lot. It’s critical that your digital event provide tremendous value and ROI or you’ll lose your … [Read more…]

Four Ways To Get Your Conference Education Out Of A Rut

Ruts. We all have them. A rut is a settled or established habit or course of action, especially a boring one. It is usually a boring, predictable, stale routine. So, is your conference education stuck in a rut? Have you created predictable tracks and paths? If you’re like most meeting professionals, you start planning for … [Read more…]

Preventing Death By Lecture Through Audience Discussion

Many people believe that PowerPoint (PPT) presentations are a leading killer of learning. We even call it “Death by PPT.” Actually, the typical 45-, 60- or 90-minute speech has a higher mortality rate than PPT. And that speech may actually be a fugitive living under an assumed name like keynote, lecture, breakout, plenary, concurrent or … [Read more…]

10 Brain-Based Learning Laws That Trump Traditional Education

If you play cards you know the importance of a trump. A trump is a card which ranks higher than the played cards. A trump suit outranks all cards of plain suits. Literally, a trump refers to any sort of action, authority or policy that automatically prevails over others. The Brain’s Natural Learning Trumps The … [Read more…]

Drag Is A Four Letter Word To Avoid In Digital Presentations

Your digital presentation must keep moving or it will be abandoned! As a digital presenter, you can’t afford to get bogged down for any reason. If you do, you will lose attendees. Faster, Upbeat Pace The pace of your Webinar, teleseminar or virtual presentation must be faster than your traditional face-to-face presentation. No, that doesn’t … [Read more…]