Tag: meeting planning best practices

The Top Traits Of Rock Star Event Professionals

Rock stars! Just those two words create images in our minds of fun, money and pleasure. Rock stars get paid to bang on drums, strum guitars and scream into microphones. They get to do what they love daily. Traits Of The Rock Star Event Professional So what does it take to be a rock star … [Read more…]

The Person Who Chooses Your Conference Content Has All The Power

“If we live in a world where information drives what we do, the information we get becomes the most important thing. The person who chooses that information has power,” says Seth Godin. Currently many conference hosts put the power of their conference content into the hands of administrators focused on shuffling speaker proposals and scheduling … [Read more…]

The Meeting Space Should Not Define The Use, The Behavior Should

Most conferences look and feel the same. Each session room is set theater style. Chairs are positioned one by one in neatly arranged rows. They all face the front of the room with a stage and screen. The conference organizers’ identify and beliefs are reflected with how they view, value and design space. It also … [Read more…]

Sometimes You Need To Trash The Container With The Leftovers

Have you ever put leftover food in an empty plastic container? Sure you have! We’ve all done it, especially around the holidays. It Came From The Fridge Have you ever opened up the refrigerator and smelled something foul? Bet you’ve done that too, even if you won’t admit it. Once you take a whiff of … [Read more…]

Using Emotional Targeting In Your Event Marketing Materials

Logic makes people think. Emotions make people act. Often our event marketing simply over-intellectualizes everything. It emphasizes the number of education sessions, the number of qualified attendees, the hours of continuing education credit, the technology applications available, the years of experience of the speakers, the economic data of the attendees and the like. But are … [Read more…]

Four Primary Reasons People Will Not Register For Your Event

Your supervisor walks into your office and closes the door. She sits down and says, “We’ve set a new goal for you for our annual meeting. We need an increase of 10% in full registrations.” “As the point person for our meetings and events, you need to make this happen,” she exclaims as she exits … [Read more…]

Bite-Sized Conference Sessions: Do They Work?

Shorter education sessions are not the secret sauce for making boring or ineffective conferences appetizing. They may be more innovative and less predictable. They are even more entertaining. Unfortunately, rapid-fire five-to-18-minute presentations don’t improve learning. Unless you intentionally add time for context and meaning making. Shorter Conference Session Trends There is a growing trend for … [Read more…]

Why Your Conference Rots: It Is Just Like School

What’s wrong with your conference? It’s just like school! Most conference education has adopted bad baggage from America’s education system. Every conference organizer was brainwashed for twelve or more years that our education system works. Every conference host is convinced that education only occurs with a subject matter expert at the front of the room … [Read more…]

Increasing Conference Customers Through Social Media, Reach And Yield

Where do new conference customers come from? Do you know the cost of acquiring your next customer? Those are the magic questions many conference organizers want answered. Incorporating The FRY Method Author Olivier Blanchard talks about using the FRY method with social media to increase customers in his book Social Media ROI. The FRY Method … [Read more…]